Stuck on Heroes V TOTE Dark Messiah

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Stuck on Heroes V TOTE Dark Messiah

Unread postby cjlee » 09 Nov 2009, 04:26

I'm stuck on TOTE Dark Messiah.

(Note, this came with TOTE and looks like any other campaign except with custom music and a separate executable; it isn't that first person camera game)

Sareth has just beaten the orc guy underground and gotten the skull, after which Arantir stole it and Sareth changed into a Demon Lord. I got to the surface with a quest to kill Arantir.

But the undead are wayyy too powerful to defeat. My old castle got burned down (game setting) leaving me no way to reinforce.

Any suggestions?

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Unread postby cjlee » 09 Nov 2009, 05:49


The Magician's Apprentice start distracted me, so I got 2 schools of magic for nothing. I retrained to focus on gating instead of magic. Then hit upon the idea of going back to pick up the peasants at the farm. With 110 extra brutes and swift gating, problem solved.

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