Two Heroes 5 questions / possible bugs

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Two Heroes 5 questions / possible bugs

Unread postby jeffh » 08 Sep 2009, 08:39

Greetings, all. I'm mainly an RPG guy rather than a strategy guy but I have recently started playing Heroes 5, and I've got two questions. One definitely involves a bug and the other might as well.

1. The ending of the second map on the Inferno campaign was really messed up. Near the end of the final battle, an FMV started which ended up involving Agrael talking to an illusionary figure. The figure seemed to know who Agrael really was, but as soon as it gave its name it returned to the battle screen and congratulated me on finishing the mission. The FMV scene obviously wasn't finished, and obviously was meant to set up what goes on in the third map of the campaign.

So, what did I miss? What information was in that movie that I didn't get to see? (Is there anywhere, say on youtube, where I would be able to see the scene properly?)

2. How do you dismiss a stack of creatures from one of your armies? There is a Dismiss button when you examine them but it's always greyed out, at least for me.

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Re: Two Heroes 5 questions / possible bugs

Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 08 Sep 2009, 09:47

When you double click on a stack you should get a close up of the stack. In the lower right corner should be a dismiss button that should dismiss the stack. You can't dismiss the last stack a heroe has.
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Unread postby Corlagon » 08 Sep 2009, 15:41

I think this is the scene you mentioned: ... RS1leG-rH0

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Unread postby jeffh » 08 Sep 2009, 21:27

Thanks for the YouTube link, that helps.

@Grumpy: I can get to the screen you describe easily enough, but as I said, the Dismiss button always seems to be greyed out. How do I make it active? These are not cases of trying to dismiss the last stack in my army, they're usually cases of having all seven full and finding a dwelling that holds more attractive creatures than one of my current stacks.

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Unread postby jeffh » 09 Sep 2009, 23:31

Has no-one else had this problem of never being able to dismiss stacks? It's very annoying and I figured it can't be unique to my installation.

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Unread postby Asheera » 10 Sep 2009, 00:53

I suggest you try a skirmish map and try to dismiss there. It might be something campaign-related that prevents you from doing so, who knows.
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