Heroes II - CD Stereo

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Heroes II - CD Stereo

Unread postby Sokar408 » 16 Aug 2009, 11:43

Alright, I have been trying to make this work for ages now and I'm fast becoming desperate.

As I run Windows Vista 64 bit which can't read 16 bit programs (the setup for Heroes II is 16 bit), I had to setup a virtual PC in order to get it going.

On it I have Windows 98, and its all running great... except the sound. MIDI works just fine, but the CD Stereo sound is not. When I turn it on to CD Stereo with or without Opera, I get no sound or music whatsoever.

I have tried running it with the CD in the physical drive, I have tried to mount and iso with Daemon Tools 3.47 (with Analog sound on and off), and nothing works.

So now I'm thinking I might have a ISO without the actual music on. How do I know if the CD Stereo is on the image or not?

And incase this isn't the problem, does anyone have any idea about what I can do to fix this?

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Unread postby Shyranis » 16 Aug 2009, 20:47

Hm... I have Windows 2000 running on my virtual machine and it seems to work fine. Don't see why 98 wouldn't considering how close it was to 95.

Did you make sure to install the virtual machine addons?
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Unread postby lotusreaver » 17 Aug 2009, 04:08

I had this issue for a while with Heroes II CD Stereo music. I'm playing on Vista 32. After months of troubleshooting, I was able to give up. But then I noticed that in Vista's sound settings, CD audio was muted. I did not notice this before because you have to actually go to the mixer and enable the option. Once I unmuted it, the CD audio worked.

So now, I get glorious opera in the game.

Who knows, might work for you.

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Unread postby lotusreaver » 23 Aug 2009, 05:10

Did this resolve the issue?

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Unread postby Sokar408 » 23 Aug 2009, 11:21

It did not :(

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