Another "need help loading downloaded maps" thread

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Another "need help loading downloaded maps" thread

Unread postby Koenigg » 04 Jul 2009, 06:13

Hey all, big noobie here *wave*

Just got HoMM5 (no expacs) and I patched it all the way to 1.06.

I tried downloading some usermade maps. When I put them in the "maps" directory that was created, they are not showing up in game (I clicked "show multiplayer maps"). They are the correct format as well (.h5m).

So what am I doing wrong?

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Unread postby Mirez » 04 Jul 2009, 14:32

it could be the maps were for a different version of the game or for an expansion...

othwerwise I don't know
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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