I wish I'd have read this thread years ago, it took me so much time to relearn the game when I had already taught myself how to play it wrong (in almost all strategy games, especially RTS's, I'm always way too defensive).
Savatage79 wrote:Now does this all apply to the campaigns or are you guys talking about like the skirmish type maps?
Knowing the basics and having tested them out will definately help in getting past the campaigns. Compared to most other games, the campaigns in Heroes games are hard. In most games, the campaigns serve as sort of a tutorial to skirmish/multiplayer play. Not so with Heroes, it's rather the other way around.
However, in about roughly half the campaign maps the offense rule doesn't work and you need to build up slowly in order to beat the enemy. But, consider this:
You start a campaign mission with no idea what's in store for you. You have two options: 1) build up slowly. 2) crush the opposition fast. Both options can be useful, depending on how the map is set up. You don't know which will work. But by choosing option number 2), you'll waste less time trying to find out what you need to do.
One thing to keep in mind about the campaigns though is to level your hero until he can't level anymore on that map. That's more important than winning the map, as the further you get in the campaign the harder the maps get (so sacrifice some time if nescesary early on to ensure your survival later). Don't worry though, in most maps you'll get max level by just playing normally. If however you find you're not yet max level (if you are, it'll tell you after every experience gain opportunity) by the time you can end the map, spend some time to train before going for the last battle.
By the way, one thing I think hasn't been mentioned yet. This game will tempt you to play defensively. Here are some examples that I'm sure we've all experienced:
1) you don't have enough gold to buy all your creatures when the week ends. You decide to stay in town, to buy everything up the next week. However, in those 7 days you still don't earn enough to buy up everything. But, at the end of this week you notice that you're closer to having everything bought than you were the week before. So you stay in town for multiple weeks just to buy up all the creatures.
Waste of time. Not only is it pointless, because the enemy will only get stronger just as you (in fact, he gets stronger faster if it's an AI opponent - they cheat). But you also don't even need to do this. Just send out a second hero or more that keep(s) ferrying troops to your main hero. Only time your main hero needs to visit town is when you upgraded your mage guild.
2) in most maps, there will be lots and lots of items laying around all over the map: recources, mines, creature posts, artifacts, etc etc. You may think picking up a virtually useless artifact is okay because it'll only take you half a turn to get there, but it adds up. Don't collect stuff you don't need, stay focussed on your goals. Don't let yourself get swept off in a direction you weren't going in just because there's so much goodies to pick up. This isn't WoW, you don't need to gather everything

And most of the time, you can use a secondary hero to pick up recources and mines, leaving only treasure chests (experience) and artifacts for your main hero to pick up. Just have the secondary hero follow your main around.
3) a weak computer hero enters your viewing field. You chase him down. He then runs around in circles, flagging your mines and taking your recources while you try to chase him down with your main hero. It'll take you weeks to catch up, so don't bother. Instead, have some secondary heroes to catch him. Use multiple at the same time if possible in order to corner him. If you let him keep your main hero busy, you will get nowhere fast, and the enemy will just keep making his heroes more powerful while you're being distracted.
If you really MUST get rid of the hero because, for instance, you are about to build your best creature's building just before before the end of the turn and you won't have enough gold if he takes your gold mine, then don't run after him but rather just send your hero straight to the gold mine to protect it from him. Buy a secondary hero when you got some gold left, and have him protect the mine so your main can continue on. Of course the secondary hero will need to have enough creatures to actually beat the enemy heroes (chances are, they will send a stronger one next time).
4) You're winning. Nothing can keep you from winning the map, but the enemy heroes are overwhelmingly much and you just can't kill them all. At this point, ignore them. Don't chase after them. Chances are, you'll have enough creatures with your main right now. In that case, just buy everything up that you can to protect the towns you have so far. Send your main hero (and perhaps some secondarys too if you're doing well enough) to capture all the remaining towns. Then defend them for a week and the enemy heroes will be defeated (they have to capture a town within a week after they lost their last one). Much easier than playing catch-up all the time.
So, like everyone else said, if you keep in mind offensive play, you won't fall for these things. But it can be hard to not get caught up in the moment. Well, it is for me