Some questions

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Some questions

Unread postby ZanBon » 09 May 2009, 12:17

I'm using ToE 3.1 editor and I have some questions.Maybe the answers are already somewhere in the forum, but I've been searching for quite some time and can't find anything.
So, here goes.

1.Whenever i adjust the size of an object using the "Scale Percent" option, objects do not appear in-game.Any solutions on that?

2.How do I create monster stacks? (U know, the different monster armys in one stack appearing with a big flag)

3.Is it possible to make Random dwellings to spawn not only one kind of monster?(e.g. Random dwelling lvl 7 to spawn lvl 6 and 7 creatures)

Thanx in advance :)

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Re: Some questions

Unread postby Asheera » 09 May 2009, 17:47

For 2 go to View -> Object Properties Tree (after you select your monster of course) and look for the AdditionalStacks property.
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Unread postby HellSpawn » 10 May 2009, 00:35

To your third question.

I'm not entirely sure if this will help you since you're trying to go for random creatures, but hopefully it will.


This post helped me to program any dwelling to the creatures I wanted like, refugee camps, military posts, etc.

Just scroll down to Grumpy old Wizard's response.
I think it's the third response.

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Re: Some questions

Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 12 May 2009, 00:51

ZanBon wrote:I'm using ToE 3.1 editor and I have some questions.Maybe the answers are already somewhere in the forum, but I've been searching for quite some time and can't find anything.
So, here goes.

1.Whenever i adjust the size of an object using the "Scale Percent" option, objects do not appear in-game.Any solutions on that?

2.How do I create monster stacks? (U know, the different monster armys in one stack appearing with a big flag)

3.Is it possible to make Random dwellings to spawn not only one kind of monster?(e.g. Random dwelling lvl 7 to spawn lvl 6 and 7 creatures)

Thanx in advance :)
For both 1 and 3 you need to create new objects. You will want to use the method for modifying objects that Hellspawn linked to so that your change won't affect all the maps in your folder.

I haven't scaled objects, but it should work for sacling, at least I think so. :)

For the random dwelling the closest thing you can come to withough doing a lot of programming (like for a complicated quest hut) is to use a refugee dwelling as the new object. You can change the appearance of the refugee camp to make it look like something else. You will be able to specify what types of creatures can appear in the camp. I used such a thing in Shadow Dreams.

The procedures at the link may sound complicated but it will not be hard for you to do and it will let you change pretty much an object in the game.


Edit: Oh, I didn't read your question good for the random dwelling. :) I think you can only have a refugee hut produce one random stack at a time. You could put two of them side by side and have one generate a random level 6 and one a level 7. Remember that you can make them look like whatever you want by changing models.

If you change the model a lot in size though you will have to change points of access. You'll see what I mean.
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Unread postby ZanBon » 13 May 2009, 12:15

A little misunderstanding then on question three.

I'm talking about the mapmaker's "Random Dwelling" where you can set the type (e.g. Type Like:Player 1).Those can spawn only one certain level creature every week(e.g. Random Dwelling lvl5, Random Dwelling lvl7).
I don't to have 2 or 3 dwellings side by side, so can I somehow have one Random Dwelling witch spawns lvl5-6-7 monsters?

GoW: I am familiar with the procedure. I'll try that and see what comes out. :)

Thanks for replies guys!

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Unread postby ZanBon » 25 May 2009, 11:19

After some testing i found out that scale has nothing to do with objects not appearing.It seems that none of the "Arena Objects" appear on the map...
Any ideas?

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Re: Some questions

Unread postby bkknight2602 » 14 Aug 2023, 01:23

How do you get into the purple level?

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