Findan's levels in Academy campaign - anyone else seen this?

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Findan's levels in Academy campaign - anyone else seen this?

Unread postby SuziQ » 29 Apr 2009, 20:52

In the academy campaign, mission 3, The Triumverate, Findan begins and ends the game at level 31, since that was his level the last time I played him and he's unable to level during Mission 3. After Markal is defeated and Mission 4 begins, Findan is back at level 25. WTH??? Anyone else have this and know why?

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Unread postby nmiz » 08 Jun 2009, 06:43

Findan is reduced to the level cap of mission 3 (level 25), but he keeps his stats and perks so he is actually the level he was (in your case 31). When you gain a new level you wont be offered any new skills or perks and your stats will stay the same.
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