Search found 4 matches

by Ozymandias
03 Aug 2006, 18:29
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: AI seems to be in endless loop
Replies: 10
Views: 5071

AI seems to be in endless loop

Playing the Sylvan campaign, last scenario (The Vampire Lord). Twice now, the game has stalled completely during the Teal player turn. The progress indicator stops between a quarter and third of the way along, and there it sits -- forever, as far as I can tell. The music continues, the background an...
by Ozymandias
04 Jul 2006, 20:08
Forum: Walkthroughs
Topic: The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh
Replies: 56
Views: 50975

The Necromancer → The Lord of Heresh

I'm confused. the walkthrough says that Markal should collect all the troops from Necropolis, then that I should hire another hero at Lorekeep, to collect all the troops there. But Lorekeep is the only Necropolis I see, and there aren't any troops left after Markal takes them. What am I missing?
by Ozymandias
21 Jun 2006, 10:52
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: STUCK! (all who have places they're stuck at, pls post here)
Replies: 31
Views: 13666

Thanks to DaemianLucifer. Your advice was just what I needed to win C2S3. Following it, I captured the NW town and S town, then built up forces. Eventually, before I found the NE town, Gilraen attacked me in the fully-fortified NW town. The battle was bloody, and I emerged with a surviving force of ...
by Ozymandias
20 Jun 2006, 13:38
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: STUCK! (all who have places they're stuck at, pls post here)
Replies: 31
Views: 13666

I am stuck in "The Cultist" (the second campaign), "The Conquest" (the third scenario). With an Inferno hero, I am supposed to cross Sylvan territory and defeat a Sylvan hero. Every time I play, I bog down after capturing the first Sylvan town. My overall problem seems to be that...

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