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by wolf8t8t
02 Aug 2006, 03:18
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: T_T whered my dread knight go... ..... ... T_T
Replies: 23
Views: 6493

in my humble opinion....

I do miss death knights.... In fact they should have got rid of ghost dragons for them instead. I know everyone is like .... OMG!! But listen to this, it's like every group has a dragon. Make necros different and have a death knight. Also I think wraiths would be a fav unit if they had a death stare...
by wolf8t8t
19 Jul 2006, 21:32
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: We all played HOMM V for some time and it's time to choose..
Replies: 199
Views: 57362

Ok fine

I"ll respect everyone's opinion like it's my own.... :D
by wolf8t8t
19 Jul 2006, 03:40
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: We all played HOMM V for some time and it's time to choose..
Replies: 199
Views: 57362


People who see that the undead are the greatest faction available. Yes it is true that zombies and bone dragons are worthless but come on everything is dirt cheap. besides Plague zombies are kinda of useful, use them as blockers and use their attack to soak up retaliations. It kinda works.... and gh...
by wolf8t8t
18 Jul 2006, 01:02
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: We all played HOMM V for some time and it's time to choose..
Replies: 199
Views: 57362


Wow you nerds are really sensitive about your hero factions. One word like warlock is for losers.... or demons are weak.... or Necros are the BEST AND FAVORITE faction and all of you go off in frenzies. Kinda funny! and I leave you with this simple 6 letter word SQUIDS! yes that's right your all a b...
by wolf8t8t
16 Jul 2006, 20:58
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: We all played HOMM V for some time and it's time to choose..
Replies: 199
Views: 57362


Again I state it, necro is far superior to any of the other races. And for those that like warlock ok great but don't go around saying they are the best race. There not. They really don't have much combat durability, they grow too slow, and cost too much. Aside from hydras and minotaurs all of their...
by wolf8t8t
15 Jul 2006, 22:16
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: We all played HOMM V for some time and it's time to choose..
Replies: 199
Views: 57362

It seems like I hit a nerve here,

Well let me say this... there is no strategy when you use warlock. The whole campaign was empower meteor shower. As for their heroes.... get destructive magic and sorcery. WOW.... That was sooooo tough! As a necromancer you have to be more selective in what you get. You need to use skill and half a ...
by wolf8t8t
15 Jul 2006, 13:57
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: We all played HOMM V for some time and it's time to choose..
Replies: 199
Views: 57362


Your all a bunch of noobs! Warlock is ok but their units cost an arm and a leg and you get very little of them. As for empowerment and their heroes it's direct damage noob strategy. I like necro because you have to think to be them. Haven is also very well rounded.
by wolf8t8t
08 Jul 2006, 21:43
Forum: News
Topic: More Heroes Downloads
Replies: 11
Views: 3750

More Heroes Downloads

Well yeah the story telling does stink but seriously.... the plot isn't that good. I could have came up with something ten times better. OOOOO lets make the queen an evil demon thing-a-majig! And what happened to the demon and knight war that we heard so much about. After King Nic died off it just k...
by wolf8t8t
08 Jul 2006, 16:11
Forum: News
Topic: More Heroes Downloads
Replies: 11
Views: 3750

More Heroes Downloads

"Obviously, playing all campaigns in order is strongly recommended if you want to enjoy, and understand, the plot." Enjoy? The plot of this game so far has been pretty darn stupid. First and foremost, why would any knight/warrior of the light want to follow a necro? Seriously, you would th...
by wolf8t8t
04 Jul 2006, 03:45
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: just finished the game and i got few Q *spoiler!!*
Replies: 49
Views: 14329


I can't stand the plot.... and the campaign itself is getting very boring. The game needs a random map maker like in homm3 and wog to be highly playable.
by wolf8t8t
01 Jul 2006, 20:09
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: The artifact situation has gotten out of hand...
Replies: 36
Views: 10518

We called that tactic ...

Fizbin Bombing!
by wolf8t8t
30 Jun 2006, 20:59
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Sigh (Tieru)
Replies: 34
Views: 10529


The whole T-rex kinda gave it away.... plus look at the names. Same letters just re-arranged. :disagree:
by wolf8t8t
28 Jun 2006, 21:20
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Major trouble in second mission of undead campaign!!!
Replies: 8
Views: 2904

This one was easy if you do it right

Forget necro forcesin the beginning.. Use haven! Altho I waited a little bit longer I had to attack the last castle with a necro softening force and then Markel with a huge haven force. As for the beginning of the map.... get the ore and wood. Build your castle and creatures and hold out. You should...
by wolf8t8t
28 Jun 2006, 21:07
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Most disappointing creature of Heroes V
Replies: 70
Views: 23778

I would say...

It's a toss up between gargoyles and conscripts. I mean one is just annoying to look at and the other looses the only ability that makes them worth anything. Ghost dragons gotta be up there too! And I officially nominate Wasp swarm as the worst spell!
by wolf8t8t
27 Jun 2006, 00:54
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Heroes V Lore Discussion *Spoiler*
Replies: 137
Views: 33322

look at the names...

agrael raleag what do they have in common? Just mix around the letters and boom! instant new name. I thought it was stupid when I first started playing the warlock campaign. :|
by wolf8t8t
27 Jun 2006, 00:51
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: warlock campaign: map 5
Replies: 1
Views: 1399

It's easy

All you need to do is go through the blue tower and follow the whole underground from there. You pop up by a castle that is right by where you need to go. Both heroes have to be there. Blue doesn't really do much to you either.
by wolf8t8t
26 Jun 2006, 04:08
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: 5th warlock level...
Replies: 2
Views: 1757


I found the easiest way to beat it. Just can the blue tower underground way. The one with all of the demon stuff in it. You spawn right outside of the place where you are going to meet up. And here I was trying to build up an army like an idiot! :disagree:
by wolf8t8t
25 Jun 2006, 17:54
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: 5th warlock level...
Replies: 2
Views: 1757

5th warlock level...

I'm not sure what to do or where to go here. It seems like most maps that there is one way and only one way to beat it. The garrisons seem to keep getting stronger and once you run into one or two heroes your too weak to continue on. Is there a certain path to take here? Or am I just missing somethi...
by wolf8t8t
24 Jun 2006, 14:28
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Chilling Bones: insanely useless
Replies: 24
Views: 9189

Don't you need it for...

their ulimate skill?
by wolf8t8t
24 Jun 2006, 14:22
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: What Units would you like to see in a Snow Town Expansion?
Replies: 124
Views: 31241

Ok mild adjustments....

Tigers do not have dwarfs on them anymore. just plain ol snow tigers and sabertooth tigers. same specials. Or screw the tigers and put in centaur warriors. Spear throwing range unit? Although tier 4 is quite a boost for them? Now that you mention it the gemlins did beat me to the punch with firearms...

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