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by TheUnknown
22 Mar 2017, 22:57
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Turn Venom Spawn into a Lich or Magog? (Suggestion)
Replies: 8
Views: 10238

Re: Turn Venom Spawn into a Lich or Magog? (Suggestion)

Pol wrote:Cool. Splash area acid damage?
It's "Greek Fire" (the Catapult ability) and "Poison" (the Venom Spawn ability), it's not like the potion Acid ... if that is what you wanted to ask. :)
by TheUnknown
21 Mar 2017, 22:16
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Turn Venom Spawn into a Lich or Magog? (Suggestion)
Replies: 8
Views: 10238

Re: Turn Venom Spawn into a Lich or Magog? (Suggestion)

A news once upon a time on the equilibris page ... February 22, 2007 - Today we share a short avi-file. Though it is of moderate quality, you may find it very interesting (Who said "lich"?). Better version with interface in English will appear soon. Watch it in original size and aspect (th...
by TheUnknown
20 Dec 2016, 21:41
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: project status
Replies: 76
Views: 85939

Re: project status

I saw that some mods are created currently. Maybe you could join your work and release great reboot of H4? It's funny how not having equilibris in a long time gave birth to "equilibris" for equilibris. Yes I know the mod has many core changing elements and I don't agree with most of the c...
by TheUnknown
18 May 2016, 21:16
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Building Prices and Requirements
Replies: 0
Views: 3393

Building Prices and Requirements

What do you think about building prices and requirements in Equilibris and Homm 4? I am making map where I have disabled buildings like Caravan and now I have a problem with other buildings like the Nomad Tents. I also want to control the potions that players can get but then there is a problem with...
by TheUnknown
03 Mar 2014, 18:28
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Basic magic skills and random spell learning
Replies: 2
Views: 5046

Basic magic skills and random spell learning

I am making a custom map and I have banned some spells. The problem is when heroes learn basic magic skill (for example basic nature magic), they learn random level 1 spell from that school (in the case summon leprechaun). Even though the spell is banned, some heroes have a way to obtain it. So this...
by TheUnknown
30 Jan 2014, 19:27
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: How to play Heroes IV in high resolution
Replies: 9
Views: 113606

it doesn't work for me, ive tried right click on the exe-> send to-> desktop(create shortcut) then I add the resolution, but nothing. Tried with fullscreen and windowed mode, nothing works. I cant play it on higher than 1024x768. I've tried on 1600x900(my desktop's res) but no, then tried 4:3 1200x...
by TheUnknown
10 Jan 2014, 08:51
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Add mirrored map objects
Replies: 33
Views: 35501

Does this mean there would be a button to rotate the objects left-right?
Or will there be two objects in the list and the mapmaker will drag the left or right oriented one?

About the priorities I agree with jeff.
by TheUnknown
13 Aug 2013, 07:42
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

Level based magic resistance adds a bit more randomness to the game, yes, but it's a huge improvement and keeps magic heroes from being too overpowering. Before this change it was far too easy for whomever heroes got to go first the opportunity to invalidate the opponents heroes with spells like hy...
by TheUnknown
03 Aug 2013, 18:54
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

TheUnknown: And doesn't a chaos hero deserve to be at least 1% effective against a hero with magic resistance? The way things are now he is useless unless he has the good buffs like cat reflexes, slayer and bloodlust ... and that is of course combined with good creatures that can have buffs cast on...
by TheUnknown
15 Jan 2013, 09:45
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Making barbarians more interesting
Replies: 2
Views: 7966

Aghhh I miss people posting ideas in this place -.- I haven't been for a long while here ... I don't believe that new skills can be added in the mod, but for the sake of argument ... First thing, I think that Nature might heroes and Might barbarians should have different combat skills because they a...
by TheUnknown
02 Sep 2012, 23:05
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Problem with Equilibris
Replies: 19
Views: 18218

However, new_mod.h4r file seems to be screwed up with some of the portraits showing and others not in the game, even though they are present in the editor and in facetool. In windows 7/vista be sure to run as administrator any program that is trying to edit anything into heroes folder (in program f...
by TheUnknown
01 Sep 2012, 07:41
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Problem with Equilibris
Replies: 19
Views: 18218

If you don't want to disable UAC protection try this: -Did you install the game into the program files folder (the default one)? The protection seems to be working only in those folders ... so if you have a D drive or some other games folder in C, try installing it there. Any application data in win...
by TheUnknown
24 Aug 2012, 03:07
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

Whats the point in giving a hero movement if the pathfinding hero will be the one who gives the movement modifier bonus. + the hero will never move with more speed that the creature so its useless. Speed is not the issue, you get speed with levels when you grow your hero you dont need a skill for t...
by TheUnknown
22 Aug 2012, 12:59
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

Here I go again on my ... I mean "Here I reply again on

On top of that your idea of giving speed or morale or luck is totally useless since the tactician is always going to be in the army and give the bonuses. They dont stack so it's a useless skill for the barb. I wasn't thinking about creature bonuses man ... I was saying that the hero himself should ...
by TheUnknown
21 Aug 2012, 20:37
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

Here's one question I want you guys to seriously consider. 100% magic resistance is sometimes too powerful and sometimes even useless so it should be removed because heroes do gain natural magic resistance with each level and there are wards and other spells, potions or abilities that give magic res...
by TheUnknown
21 Aug 2012, 16:18
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

* Some spells are inbalanced. Pain Mirror should be max level 4. Town gate level 5. Don't like the level 5 town gate idea but I agree that Order has too much map movement modifiers ... it can get endurance, town gate, mire for their enemies and with a bit of luck they can even get easier access to ...
by TheUnknown
19 Aug 2012, 13:51
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

There should also be top floor for base movement ... so every creature can have at most 30 base map movement or maybe even less ... I would also like to ask you guys if you ever take advanced classes that are only might ... for example tactics+combat, nobility+tactics, nobility+combat and so on. Are...
by TheUnknown
17 Aug 2012, 19:11
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

So the three of us agree that for a certain list of creatures the movement stat is imbalanced ... can anyone else write here too and say their opinion on this issue? We do agree that movement is imbalanced but all of us said 3 different things on how to improve it :D MSG-1 said I dont mind being slo...
by TheUnknown
17 Aug 2012, 00:32
Forum: Equilibris
Topic: Balance improvement ideas
Replies: 65
Views: 46129

Speed is vital and slow units rarely get picked if there's a fast substitute. So fast units have an advantage in general situations. If we use half of the speed nerf that was done on the vampires I think that we would have a win win situation ... the high level flyers have an obvious advantage in m...

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