Besides, imho, the "Magic" in M&M VI just, erm, vacuums for the player. No idea what you mean. Lolz - I mean "What a Vacuum Cleaner" does, primarily, being the opposite of blows. :D Not so for the minions who always hit, the majority of which hit you with completely unblocka...
Hey, thanks, Eksekk - perfect timing (it's not so slow after all ;) Well alright, one time seems balanced enough. tbh, I wouldn't have abused it even if it was previously an unlimited resource. From dragging out my second game of mm6 to a little over 5 years - seeing how much exp I could derive from...
Okay, Game Uninstalled. Removed from Registry with CCleaner. Game Partition Defragged ( I use Defraggler manually before installing "any" software - can't for the life of me understand why the disabled Micro$oft Defrag Task keeps getting reinstated AND running of its own accord... Grrr!!!)...
@GrayFace [-] Agar's Laboratory (d19): You could get +50 intellect any number of times. So what did you actuallly change here? All I get is +10 stats for ONE team member - unbalancing my team. So I just reloaded, cleared the Lab again, and left the stupid bonus alone. And, before you ask, Nobody was...
I too hate Drain SP so, now that I've completed the game twice, I've edited it out in Monsters.txt Really, I don't mind it in a balanced game, Skyrim for example - Items that boost Magicka Regen AND an actual Skill tree that lets you boost Magicka Regen by 50%. Of course, none of that matters in the...
Ahah... Problem solved. After doing the Superior Temple of Baa I beaconed back to whatever the name of the small town is in Kriegspire and... aaarrrggghhhh!!!! - drank from the fountain. Yay.. +10 Magic Res. Bit of to and fro with Free Haven and the job's done. :D @Eksekk - buffing doesn't help (as ...
Possible Bug? I just looted a Doomsday Cloak of Protection - Special: +10 to all Resistances. But !!!!! It ISN'T affecting my Magic Resistance? - which is and of itself a Resistance. Is it meant to work that way? If so... bah humbug. This game is bonkers yet so much fun. Piles of notes all over my d...
Hi Eksekk Yup, Stat Barrels (and Cauldrons). Example, Smugglers Cave. First time I wreck the place there are 10 Barrels (5 either side of the second, erm, room) and further on another 4 (2 each side).. even further 7 or 8 in the 'room' with the Annointed Potion chest. After the Cave resets (6 months...
Two weeks later - still no help? Doesn't matter now - I deleted the game. Sick of getting cursed etc. for too many missing Barrels. Played it literally hundreds of time anyway! (Good Riddance) Besides - I just bought MM6 from GOG (The disc copy I bought years ago from ePlay never worked - MM7 did......
Is there a proper Thread for requesting help with Mods or Mod creation help? I would like to know how to make a mod that makes Barrels 'aways' appear and for Cauldrons to 'always' have something in them. It drives me nuts when half of the Barrels are missing apon revisiting an area. Yesterday I foug...
Only noticed this a few days ago ( silly me ). Thanks very much, Sergey. Finally 'Fleetfingers' is fully functional AND I noticed my Priest was doing extra damage - so you must have fixed Mace not adding to damage past Expert, too. Gave me a fright when all my Beacons dissappeared, though. But, as I...