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by revoN
17 Feb 2007, 18:49
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Nival's latest spelling error :)
Replies: 29
Views: 10225

Was wondering when you will show up winterfate but thx ^_^

It's funny to be welcomed to the forums though when you've been a regular for ages (but cba to post anything).

Sorry for the little OT but the debate is over anyway...
by revoN
17 Feb 2007, 18:19
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: Nival's latest spelling error :)
Replies: 29
Views: 10225

According to Longman's Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995 edition): raise -> DEAD PERSON <- to make someone who has died live again: Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave. rise -> RISE FROM THE DEAD/GRAVE <- to come alive after having died: On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. In other wor...

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