Search found 46 matches

by Sarvi
29 Oct 2009, 08:17
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: Defence against the Dark Arts
Replies: 0
Views: 2147

Defence against the Dark Arts

While testing my new (TotE)map I discovered a few things about Dark Magic I didn't know. (Apologies to those who already knew or put this out somewhere: I was too lazy to search for your info!) 1) Best defence: The complete Armor of the Dwarven Kings! If you have this equipped (Shield, Cuirass, Helm...
by Sarvi
10 Oct 2009, 02:46
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: [H5] Restricting AI Player from passing Gates?
Replies: 6
Views: 4517

gates that restrict

I've done something similar without scripting regions (i.e. in multiplayer maps): You set up garrison gates passable only by a certain player (and his allies) simply by making it owned by that player and stacking it with huge armies, e.g. 10000 titans or something. Only the player who owns the gate ...
by Sarvi
10 Oct 2009, 02:32
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: Selecting Mage Guild spells in Heroes V
Replies: 5
Views: 4621

spells in towns

I struck this same problem some years ago and believe its a game bug that has never been fixed. You just cannot set spells in town mage guilds. I sometimes got around this bug by limiting the mage guild building level in the town, or by giving a garrison hero a Tome of Magic in the spells I wanted h...
by Sarvi
10 Jan 2009, 00:25
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: [h5] Multiplayer script functions - the list
Replies: 7
Views: 5368

re- multiplayer script functions

Thanks guys!
I don't have any problems (yet!). The filters were explained nicely by Franzy earlier in this forum.
I've studied the 'Gang of Two' script too (playing the map at the moment), which is i believe the first scripted multiplayer map...Ground-breaking work ,Mage of Soquim!!
by Sarvi
09 Jan 2009, 10:03
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: [h5] Multiplayer script functions - the list
Replies: 7
Views: 5368

mp script functions

Where is the info on the new multiplayer script functions? I have installed patch 3.1 and read the readme file but have not found any mention of them anywhere....
by Sarvi
05 Jan 2009, 06:35
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 transferring scripts
Replies: 3
Views: 2744

script file export

Thanks for your ideas... Since I posted this message it occurred to me that its actually very simple! Just unzip the map file and extract the MapScript.lua file to your documents or somewhere. You can then read the script file with NotePad or other text editor, cut, paste, and copy pieces, etc. No p...
by Sarvi
03 Jan 2009, 02:54
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 transferring scripts
Replies: 3
Views: 2744

H5 transferring scripts

Does anyone know how to export a script from a H5 map and then import it (or pieces of it) into the script of another map?? It would save a lot of work: re-typing, weeding out errors, etc. I often use similar commands in different maps, (such as PlayVisualEffect or Play2DSound) with just small alter...
by Sarvi
30 Oct 2008, 11:50
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 RemoveObject() function
Replies: 5
Views: 3721

Re: moving objects

What objects are you trying to remove? For instance, SetObjectPosition and SetObjectRotation don't work for towns, unless you first call MakeTownMovable. Today I just realized I've been stupid (a not uncommon occurrence!)! Looking at the Object Properties Tree there is an option "IsMovable&quo...
by Sarvi
30 Oct 2008, 06:13
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 RemoveObject() function
Replies: 5
Views: 3721

moving objects

What objects are you trying to remove? For instance, SetObjectPosition and SetObjectRotation don't work for towns, unless you first call MakeTownMovable. Im trying to move or remove simple non-interactive objects like a rock. Also tried the same objects removed by rdeford in "Virgin of Ponce&q...
by Sarvi
29 Oct 2008, 10:55
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 RemoveObject() function
Replies: 5
Views: 3721

H5 RemoveObject() function

I'm having trouble getting this function to work! I've read everything in this forum about it. I've studied maps where it is done (e.g. The Virgin of Ponce 3 - I tried removing the same brick object used there:- in my map it didn't budge!). But the command won't work for me! I've also tried SetObjec...
by Sarvi
24 Oct 2008, 10:41
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: [H5] Custom objects tutorial
Replies: 13
Views: 15424

Franzy wrote:OK, now a practical example. Let's take a map "Vampire
P.S. I hope the map's author does not hold any grievance against me, I just took as an example the very map I play now :)
Thanks Franzy! Its amazing how much more there is to learn in map-making with the H5 editor!
:) Sarvi
by Sarvi
22 Oct 2008, 06:11
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 - Changing Town Buildings with Script?
Replies: 3
Views: 2890

town building levels (H5)

I found out how to do it!
The DestroyTownBuildingToLevel() functions won't work immediately following the TransformTown() function. BUT they work on the next day!
The script name for your town is not lost when you use TransformTown.
:o) Sarvi
by Sarvi
12 Oct 2008, 10:58
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 - Changing Town Buildings with Script?
Replies: 3
Views: 2890

H5 - Changing Town Buildings with Script?

Has anyone used the script function SetTownBuildingLevel() ?? It does'nt seem to work at all. I've been trying to restrict town buildings to level 2 ,(after capturing it and transforming to player1 type) in a map I'm working on, but without success.... I know the town ID's were changed for TotE. May...
by Sarvi
29 Sep 2008, 14:28
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: 3 new maps by Sarvi
Replies: 4
Views: 2794


Thanks for that! I've found in Breakout that "The Hive" is often too tough to capture (played on HARD difficulty). In that case you can still win by luring the defending Hero out, getting him to follow one of your weaker heroes, then sneaking in behind him and capturing the town! :) Sarvi
by Sarvi
28 Sep 2008, 05:58
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: 3 new maps by Sarvi
Replies: 4
Views: 2794

3 new maps by Sarvi

Recently I submitted 3 new maps (multiplayer) with a new feature which, to my knowledge, hasn't been done before for multiplayer maps. The maps are 'Breakout', 'Dark Alliance', and 'City of Gold' (the last one not yet available but submitted a week ago). Each contains a special victory condition (an...
by Sarvi
13 Sep 2008, 02:46
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: lota campaign, Book2, Map2
Replies: 4
Views: 3377

lota campaign, Book2, Map2

Has anyone won this map? If so I'd like to hear from you.... After running from Darkstorm's army for several months I managed to build a small force and gather some good artifacts on the way. Then he attacked me in my town. Against the odds, I eventually won the battle with only 3 Hydras left. Prett...
by Sarvi
06 Mar 2008, 00:37
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 (ToteE) Multiplayer objectives
Replies: 2
Views: 2440

multiplayer objectives

Since posting this question i've worked out the answer myself. Its actually quite easy and it works! If anyone would like to know how its done, contact me....
by Sarvi
01 Mar 2008, 05:54
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 (ToteE) Multiplayer objectives
Replies: 2
Views: 2440

H5 (ToteE) Multiplayer objectives

I've tried setting up primary common objectives in Multiplayer maps, e.g. Capture a town, etc., but when i run the game always it crashes with the error message "Starting Player does not exist" (meaningless, because he obviously does!) Only the "Kill'em All" objective works. What...
by Sarvi
01 Feb 2008, 13:06
Forum: Heroes V-VI
Topic: To Flee or not to Flee....
Replies: 2
Views: 1934

To Flee or not to Flee....

In Tribes o.t. East the enemy heroes tend to flee much more often, especially on HARD or HEROIC difficulty. Sometimes they don't even fire a shot before they go! In doing this the AI hero loses all his army and then has to rebuild - yes, he keeps his hero, but the hero is a sitting duck now for seve...
by Sarvi
24 Jan 2008, 12:07
Forum: Mapmaking Guild
Topic: H5 script functions
Replies: 1
Views: 1877

H5 script functions

Does anyone know where i can find the complete set of script functions - including ones that are not in the manual? (e.g. GetPlayerState() - what does it do?).

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