On that day, he became Richard, King Ironfist.
On that day, he condemned his family to centuries of betrayal and bloodshed.

Project Ironfist is developing a new mod for HoMM II. We have the ability to modify the game's source code, not just change data files or add event hooks, so this mod will be much more ambitious than previous attempts. We will be able to create entirely new creatures, towns, and spells.
So far, we have added an entirely new creature, the Kobold, to the game, and will soon have the new First Strike ability.
Kobolds in action:
Announcement trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTH_buVYWtY
This is not an analog of WoG for Heroes II. While we may add scripting capabilities, our focus is on creating an expansion with solid game-design and a strong plot. We have a detailed plot outline and plans for three new factions.
The game is currently being developed by a small team within the Carnegie Mellon Game Creation Society. Our goal is to finish development of the first new faction by June. We need more people, especially artists, to meet that goal. If you are interested in helping, just request to join our Google Group, http://groups.google.com/group/project-ironfist .
I've been working on this for a long time. It took a year to sufficiently reverse engineer the game, and months more to develop the tools needed to make major modifications easily. But now the groundwork is done, and the game development is in full swing.
Project Ironfist has been a long journey of love so far. We hope to walk the rest of it with you.