Where does Heroes II... Today, 15:34 by cjleeagain (1 reply) in Heroes I-IV Hi everyone!
I haven't been back in a while. But thanks to the publicity about Heroes Olden Era, I am...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 13:46 by raekuul (253 replies) in Might and Magic I ended up trashing that save file - I forgot to do bounty hunting when it was still early so now I'm...
Might and Magic 6,... 20.03, 20:05 by Gruslik (8612 replies) in Might and Magic Is there any way to fix the problem with the crooked display of some items (as I understand it, Artifacts...
Multiplayer for MMMerge... 18.03, 21:40 by Leemaw (290 replies) in Might and Magic Can you tell me which script judges the amount of XP shared to players? I found a script called mon.Experience...
Where does Heroes II... Today, 15:34 by cjleeagain (1 reply) in Heroes I-IV Hi everyone!
I haven't been back in a while. But thanks to the publicity about Heroes Olden Era, I am...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 13:46 by raekuul (253 replies) in Might and Magic I ended up trashing that save file - I forgot to do bounty hunting when it was still early so now I'm...
Might and Magic 6,... 20.03, 20:05 by Gruslik (8612 replies) in Might and Magic Is there any way to fix the problem with the crooked display of some items (as I understand it, Artifacts...
Multiplayer for MMMerge... 18.03, 21:40 by Leemaw (290 replies) in Might and Magic Can you tell me which script judges the amount of XP shared to players? I found a script called mon.Experience...