• MM678Merge

    Merge of MM6, MM7, and MM8 on base of MM8, using MMExtension.

    Discussion thread is here.

    Hits: 2047
  • Legends of the Ancients (LotA)

    Legends of the Ancients - Ubisoft approved project about good old known heroes in new Axeoth, freely continuing where Heroes IV left, homepage is here.

    Books were released all but not maps - ongoing project. Currently curated by Quantomas and been incorporated in his AI mod, grab the latest version ... Hits: 3599

  • Dark Messiah

    Dark Messiah is role-playing game (yes, we believe it can be described as such) with a heavy focus on action, you will get a breathtaking tour of the new world of Ashan, and witness some dramatic events. You play here for Sareth.

    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (also subtitled "Element" on Xbox) is a first-person action game, with RPG elements. The game, first as PC version, was released by Ubisoft at 24 October 2006 and developed by Arkane Studios, with other developers as Kuju Entertainment, Floodgate Entertainment and

    Hits: 8279
  • Lore

    In that sense and context, it means Might & Magic lore here. Hits: 2491
  • Tim Lang

    Tim Lang was the lead designer of Might and Magic IX.  Hits: 2307
  • MM9

    Might & Magic IX: Writ of Fate Hits: 4830
  • MM7

    Might & Magic VII: For Blood and Honor Hits: 2734
  • MM1

    Might & Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum Hits: 1533
  • MM5

    Might & Magic V: Darkside of Xeen Hits: 2837
  • MM4

    Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen Hits: 1135
  • MM3

    Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra Hits: 1806
  • MM2

    Might & Magic II: Gates to Another World Hits: 1697
  • Fabrice

    Fabrice Cambounet - Heroes of Might and Magic V Producer, also Senior Producer in Clash of Heroes and also helped with Heroes VI. and MM:Legacy Hits: 2938
  • Ashan

    Ashan - designed by Ubisoft, for Heroes V and up. It's quite different from previous Enroth & Axeoth. Behold the Dragons Gods. Hits: 10511
  • Axeoth

    This is the world after reckoning, from Heroes IV. The last one from NWC/3DO. After that clash of sword of fire (Armageddon Blade) and sword of frost. Tarnum vs Gelu.

    But you can play in its setting also in Heroes V and Heroes VII, due to addons Legends of the Ancients and Lost Tales of Axeoth.

    Hits: 7596
  • Enroth

    Planet and continent, till its destruction with the clash of Armageddon Blade(Gelu) and Sword of Frost(Tarnum) on the end of Heores of Might & Magic III. Hits: 3959
  • Map Making

    A divine science discipline how to make a better maps! Hits: 4783
  • Tracy Iwata

    Graphic and VFX artist, having paws on many M&M games art. Hits: 3823