• Music

    Want to talk about music?

    Hits: 4679
  • Paul Anthony Romero

    Might & Magic music composer, now it seems, like that he was always here.

    Hits: 4476
  • Mods

    Fan made mod, to your favourite game.

    Hits: 8761
  • HoMM

    Heroes of Might & Magic, also known as Heroes 1. There's only one known precedessor and that's King's Bounty. Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest was released in year 1995. Fully developed and produced by NWC.

    Hits: 4158
  • Might & Magic

    Might & Magic RPG games, second but originally first to Heroes branch.

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  • The Lost Tales of Axeoth

    The Lost Tales of Axeoth is a set of campaigns for Heroes VII, made by Julien "Marzhin" Pirou and based on earlier (but unused) scripts for Heroes IV created by storyteller Terry B. Ray.

    Hits: 23889
  • Patch Note

    Annoucement about new patch, update and rarely new content. There are many of these for newer versions..

    Hits: 2282
  • Cosplay

    That is cosplay, get yourself a costume and pretend that you are Might & Magic hero of the beast!

    Hits: 8197
  • JVC

    Jon Van CaneghemJon Van Caneghem - series founder and spiritual father. Currently developing mobile games, for his company VC Mobile Entertainment and his game Creature Quest

    In 1983 he founded New World Computing, where he

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  • HoMM2

    Heroes 2 game, developed by 3DO and published by NWC - old classic. It does have two Add-Ons: Price of Loyalty and Succesion Wars. The two most popular fan mods here are Succession Wars and Project Ironfist. Lots of maps as well.

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  • HoMM3

    Heroes 3, probably still most successful game in the series, spiritual successor of Heroes 2, after all - it's based on the same engine. There also exists Heroes 3 HD by Ubisoft but it's missing both Add-Ons, Armagedon Blade and Shadow of Death - on the other hand, Ubisoft released it also as an Android game. Developed by 3DO and published by NWC. Among with Heroes 4, it have the best map editors which warranted thousands of maps and campaigns created. Recommended mod here is ERA2, which is "WoGified", meaning that it contains

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  • HoMM4

    Heroes 4 game developed by 3DO and published by NWC, this is the latest game from the original team. Bringing in new ideas and not completely polished, as the previous one. However, if you get on fan made Equilibris Add-On, your are back on horse!

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  • MM:H6

    Heroes 6 game by Ubisoft. Developed by Black Hole Enternainment and later finished by Limbic and Virtuos, after Black Hole bankruptcy. Wonderful graphic but low replay value, no need to mention AI.

    Hits: 3450
  • Heroes V

    Heroes 5 game by Ubisoft. The most successfull one from Ubi. Developed by Nival Studios, under Fabrice's leadership. Recommended fan mod here is Heroes 5.5 by magnomagus.

    Hits: 24053
  • Skillwheel

    Skillwheels for various Might & Magic games. Including King's Bounty from Catauri/1C Publishing.

    Hits: 39321