HoMM 5 >Towns and creatures >Alchemy

The town of Alchemy

The alchemist town is a newcomer. Founded by the people who refused to follow the dogma's of the Life and Order factions and allied themselves with the necromancers instead. You will find a lot of elements from these two towns, but their magic also has influences from death magic and almost completely reserve the rights to mechanics and technology.

Level 1:

Red dwarf (Dwarven mines).
This dwarf is the equivalent of the Order dwarf (which will have to be renamed "Field Dwarf"). The mountain dwarf is also strong, sturdy and slow. The mountain dwarf's magic resistance has changed. They now have a 25% magic mirror. This means that every spell has a 25% chance of backfiring (leaving the dwarfs unharmed). Direct damage spells are split. 75% to the dwarves, 25% to the caster.

Pikeman (Pikeman keep).
The pikemen abandoned the haven out of protest of the town's backwardness. They have become a bit weaker because of all the traveling, but are decent level 1 units. They still have the long weapon attack.

Level 2:

Acolyte (School of chemistry).
Acolytes throw with small vails of magic. Most of these are direct damage explosions (technically ranged attacks). They can also throw with poisonous vails (half damage of ranged attack each turn) or with vails of acid (lower attack and defense).

Field catapult (Craftsmen guild).
These small catapults shoot their projectiles high into the air. This allows them to shoot with a very large range. No penalty for range, obstacles and can shoot anywhere beyond castle walls. Unfortunately, the accuracy is not that high. Low speed and little damage. Catapults are mechanical.

Level 3:

Duergar warrior (Training field).
These dwarves are stronger than all their counterparts and have been trained for battle. They are still slow, but have higher attack and defense than the others. They have the special ability that their armour and weapons hit one third of the ranged damage done to them back to the ranged attacker (after doing full damage to the dwarves).

Dark elven ranger (Ranged fields).
The hatred of the drows for the elves drove them to this town as the opposite of nature. They were welcomed by the alchemists and equiped with bows made of springsteel instead of wood. These bows allow them to shoot better than the elves without ranged penalty.

Level 4:

Runic guardian (Tower barracks).
These creatures were made by complex animation procedures and are very capable fighters. They have medium speed, and better attack but lower defense than the golem. They are also able to cast the "force armour spell.

Steel golem (Foundry).
These slow animated monsters do good damage and are extremely hard to kill. They are mechanical and the metal they were made of gives them extra protection. They are immume to to direct damage spells caused by fire, lighting or spirit shocks. All other spells are reduced by 60%. They are low in numbers.

Level 5:

Drow Mage (Magic pinnacle).
These drows are extremely dangerous mages. They combined their spiritual powers with the power of the control of the materialistic world. They are spellcasters. Spells include: Sulphur flame (direct damage by raising a poisonous flame on the spot of the target. Target is also poisoned). Mana well (target regenerates one spell point per round per 7 drows casting). Repulsion aura (movement within 7 yard range of target takes triple movement). Anti-magic (normal version).

Shockbolt ballista (Ballista works).
The bolts of these large ballista's have been magically and alchemically prepared. They do much more damage than the old ballista's. They are still slow and defense is mediocre. Ballistas do full damage on range and obstacles, but cannot shoot past defense walls like the catapult does. Ballistas are mechanical.

Level 6:

Lance titan (Temple of lighting).
These titans abandoned the academies to follow the alchemists. The alchemists equiped them with special shocklances. The titans lost their ability to shoot, but instead, they gained a long-weapon attack with a very special feature. If the lance strikes an enemy target, then all other enemy troops in a range of 5 yard recieve half the damage that they would have recieved if attacked. Visually, this looks like chain lighting shooting from the initial target. Lance titans do good damage and have defenses equal to a normal titan (which I renamed "cloud titan").

Dragon Golem (Dragon factory).
They look like large mechanical dragons with good damage, but are much more useful than their HOMM4 counterparts. They are large, which is a problem in manouvring and fairly slow, but they have both a first strike and unlimited retalitation. If you get them near the enemy stacks, they are an absolute nightmare.

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