On the Heroes of Might and Magic message board, someone asked who would win a fight between 50 Lizard Warriors and 50 Marksmen. The Marksmen were definitely the favorite and virtually every reply stated that the Marksmen would easily win. Well, we're bring you this battle for your viewing pleasure. Will the Marksmen slaughter the Lizard Warriors? Read on, the battle begins in a few minutes!
The Combatants
Lizard Warriors are perhaps the most unpopular shooter in Heroes III, and they come from what is probably the most unpopular town in the game. They come from the upgraded level 2 dwelling in the Fortress town. Lizard Warriors did recieve improved stats in Shadow of Death/Heroes III Complete that improved their Health, Attack, Defense, Damage, and Weekly Production. Cost: 140 Gold Advantages: ranged attack Quote: Please don't confuse me with Jar-Jar... and tell Rogue to move the cursor before taking screenshots.
Marksmen come from the upgraded level 2 creature dwelling in the Castle town. They're relatively popular because of their double attack. Cost: 150 Gold Advantages: faster than lizard warriors, shoots twice Quote: These helmets don't do a damn thing...
The Numbers
Based on Attack, Defense, and Damage values.
- Lizard Warriors deal 115% damage against Marksmen
- Marksmen deal 95% damage against Lizard Warriors
- Average damage per Lizard warrior is 3.5
- Average damage per marksman is 2.5
Round 1
Marksmen are faster, so they get to attack first
- 2.5 damage * 50 Marksmen = 125 damage
- 125 damage * 95% = 118 damage
- 118 damage / 2 (for long range) = 59 damage
- 59 damage * 2 attacks = 118 damage
This kills 7 Lizard Warriors and the top one has 2 health remaining.
Now the Lizard Warriors get to attack
- 3.5 damage * 43 Lizard Warriors = 150 damage
- 150 damage * 115% = 172 damage
- 172 damage / 2 (for long range) = 86 damage
8 Marksmen die and the top one has 4 health remaining.
Wow, not only is this a very close battle so far, but the underdog Lizard Warriors actually have a slight lead after one round. The Lizard Warriors having this lead is quite amazing considering how their initial attack had to be made with diminished numbers after 7 were killed by the Marksmen.
Round 1 Survivors (and health of top creature)
- 43 Lizard Warriors (2/15 health)
- 42 Marksmen (4/10 health)
Round 2
Marksmen attack
- 2.5 damage * 42 Marksmen = 105 damage
- 105 damage * 95% = 99 damage
- 99 damage / 2 (for long range) = 49 damage
- 49 damage * 2 attacks = 98 damage
7 Lizard Warriors die and the top one has 9 health remaining.
The Lizard Warriors attack
- 3.5 damage * 36 Lizard Warriors = 126 damage
- 126 damage * 115% = 144 damage
- 144 damage / 2 (for long range) = 72 damage
7 Marksmen die and the top one has 2 health remaining.
Round 2 Survivors (and health of top creature)
- 36 Lizard Warriors (9/15 health)
- 35 Marksmen (2/10 health)
Round 3
Marksmen attack
- 2.5 damage * 35 Marksmen = 87 damage
- 87 damage * 95% = 82 damage
- 82 damage / 2 (for long range) = 41 damage
- 42 damage * 2 attacks = 82 damage
5 Lizard Warriors die and the top one has 2 health remaining.
The Lizard Warriors attack
- 3.5 damage * 31 Lizard Warriors = 108 damage
- 108 damage * 115% = 124 damage
- 124 damage / 2 (for long range) = 62 damage
7 Marksmen die.
Round 3 Survivors (and health of top creature)
- 31 Lizard Warriors (2/15 health)
- 28 Marksmen (10/10 health)
Round 4
Marksmen attack
- 2.5 damage * 28 Marksmen = 70 damage
- 70 damage * 95% = 66 damage
- 66 damage / 2 (for long range) = 33 damage
- 33 damage * 2 attacks = 66 damage
5 Lizard Warriors die and the top one has 11 health remaining.
The Lizard Warriors attack
- 3.5 damage * 26 Lizard Warriors = 91 damage
- 91 damage * 115% = 104 damage
- 104 damage / 2 (for long range) = 52 damage
5 Marksmen die and the top one has 8 health remaining.
Round 4 Survivors (and health of top creature)
- 26 Lizard Warriors (11/15 health)
- 23 Marksmen (8/10 health)
Round 5
Marksmen attack
- 2.5 damage * 23 Marksmen = 57 damage
- 57 damage * 95% = 54 damage
- 54 damage / 2 (for long range) = 26 damage
- 26 damage * 2 attacks = 54 damage
3 Lizard Warriors die and the top one has 2 health remaining.
The Lizard Warriors attack
- 3.5 damage * 23 Lizard Warriors = 80 damage
- 80 damage * 115% = 92 damage
- 92 damage / 2 (for long range) = 46 damage
4 Marksmen die and the top one has 2 health remaining.
Round 5 Survivors (and health of top creature)
- 23 Lizard Warriors (2/15 health)
- 19 Marksmen (2/10 health)
Round 6
Marksmen attack
- 2.5 damage * 19 Marksmen = 47 damage
- 47 damage * 95% = 44 damage
- 44 damage / 2 (for long range) = 22 damage
- 22 damage * 2 attacks = 44 damage
3 Lizard Warriors die and the top one has 3 health remaining.
The Lizard Warriors attack
- 3.5 damage * 20 Lizard Warriors = 70 damage
- 70 damage * 115% = 80 damage
- 80 damage / 2 (for long range) = 40 damage
4 Marksmen die and the top one has 2 health remaining.
Round 6 Survivors (and health of top creature)
- 20 Lizard Warriors (2/15 health)
- 15 Marksmen (2/10 health)
At this point, it is clear that the Lizard Warriors will the battle, for the Marksmen are no longer coming out ahead after their attacks as they were in the first few rounds. So, the trophy goes to the Lizard Warriors!
This does not mean Lizard Warriors will win every battle between Marksmen and Lizard Warriors though. The randomness of the damage dealt means that either side could have won this battle, but Lizard Warriors will win more often than not. The Lizard Warriors have a pretty large range of damage (2-5) so a spell such as Bless would benefit them much more than it would benefit the Marksmen whose damage range is 2-3.
It is worth mentioning that the Marksmen were dealing more damage than the Lizard Warriors in every single round of combat that was recorded here. The Lizard Warriors were only able to win because the Marksmen's low defense and health makes them too easy to kill. The marksmen would definitely be the better choice if you want a shooter to deal out lots of damage in situations where it will not be attacked too often. (good for fighting packs of wandering monsters) The Lizard Warriors are a good defensive creature and they are capable of withstanding much more damage than the Marksmen, making them ideal for town defense and shooter to shooter combat.
Another amusing thing is that after these 6 rounds, the Marksmen used up 12 of their 24 arrows (because they shoot twice) while the Lizard Warriors only used up 6 of their 24 arrows. If this battle went on for 6 more rounds, the Marksmen would run out of arrows and would have to try walking across the battlefield to engage in melee combat with the Lizard Warriors. The Lizard Warriors would be able to continue shooting the Marksmen while they attempt to cross the battlefield, and some of these shots would be for full damage as the Marksmen move into range. If the Marksmen managed to get across the battlefield to fight the Lizard Warriors, they would only get one melee attack for half damage per round. At that point the Marksmen would be in pretty sad shape, but it would be funny to watch.