It's quite usual to want more information about this mysterious Might & Magic's faction, and players can be pleased with a news thread about Dungeon, one of two factions nominated to be integrated into the final game.
Find more about Dungeon on Heroes VII Dev Blog.
Well met, my fellow Shadow Councillors. Since I gave you information about the Elves of Irollan and the Dwarves of Grimheim, it feels natural to also share what I know of the mysterious Dark Elves of Ygg-Chall. The providence is indeed with this Council, as I am one of the few lucky surface-dwellers to have visited their capital city of Konos in the past and lived - or, well, you know - to tell about it. I think this was around 660 YSD, give or take a few years. Back then, it was not even an actual kingdom yet - only the burgeoning seed of a future nation.