As of today, Songs of Conquest is officially available on the Mac App Store!The Mac app version fully supports crossplay with other platforms, so it’s the..
Heroes 4 The Restoration... Yesterday, 21:36 by akumumuki (108 replies) in Heroes I-IV hey, recently i noticed a screenshot of the new units from heroes 4, they really interested me, i didn't...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 17:47 by StormyG7 (8549 replies) in Might and Magic I'm not too good with assembly or memory stuff. the most I've done is some cheat engine digging to fix...
[Solved] mm7 - can... 15.01, 23:00 by raekuul (9 replies) in Might and Magic the small houses are separate maps but are functionally identical - there's nothing in one that isn't...
The pirates of Heroes VI celebrate "World Music Day" ... much to the dismay of Crag Hack, who seems to really dislike sea shanties. Or maybe it's the quality of the singing.
Heroes 4 The Restoration... Yesterday, 21:36 by akumumuki (108 replies) in Heroes I-IV hey, recently i noticed a screenshot of the new units from heroes 4, they really interested me, i didn't...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 17:47 by StormyG7 (8549 replies) in Might and Magic I'm not too good with assembly or memory stuff. the most I've done is some cheat engine digging to fix...
[Solved] mm7 - can... 15.01, 23:00 by raekuul (9 replies) in Might and Magic the small houses are separate maps but are functionally identical - there's nothing in one that isn't...