In previous questions, your enemies didn't even have a hero to lead them. In this scenario your enemies are 1.000 Titans and 1.000 Storm Titans, waiting in a fully-built Fortress of Celestial Flames, led by an elite Hero. Your task is to defeat them on day 1.
Good news: The Memory Mentor with lots of gold for reshuffling is still there. You are generously given 15 Phoenixes, 24 Ghosts and 647 Black Dragons. I hope you remember question 4, because your Attack skill is sky high. Some area effect destructive spells are banned.
Bad news: Access to spells is limited. You start with only Slow, Decay, Dark Ritual, Regeneration and Armageddon.
Also: You can choose between Scrolls of: Battlecry, Chain Lightning, Teleport, Wasp Swarm and Frenzy. You can also choose between Wands of: Meteor Shower, Divine Vengeance, Summon Elementals and Blind.