Fortress Alternate Upgrades
- by Angelspit
Stone Defender: Enraged, Armored, Large Shield, Hold Ground, Prepared Position
Harpooner: Shooter, Harpoon Strike
White Bear Rider: Enraged, Bear Roar
Battlerager: Immunity to Mind Control, Bash, Anti-Giant, Battle Rage
Flame Keeper: Shooter, Caster (Deflect Arrows, Fireball), Immunity to Fire, Mark of Fire, Avenging Flame
Thunder Thane: Teleport, Immunity to Fire, Flame Wave, Flamestrike
Lava Dragon: Large Creature, Elemental, Immunity to Fire, Liquid Flame Breath
A table with all the stats can be found here. The expansion is still a work-in-progress, so expect a lot of changes until the release day.
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