With the help of this survey Ubisoft wants to know have you played the Dark Messiah demo and/or the game, what did you like most, what would you change in the game, what do you think about multiplayer and other typical poll questions. While I was filling the answers and philosophizing what's the purpose of this interrogatory (to remind the M&M fans about the game, or simply PR?), one of the final questions interrupted my contemplation:
"If a sequel to Dark Messiah was to be released, would you be interested in it?"
Alright, there you are. I can only hope Ubisoft will find a good use of the gathered results. Meanwhile, you might want to check your Ubisoft account if you have accepted to receive Ubisoft exclusive content about the Might and Magic brand, which also includes the M&M newsletters which a lot of people seem to have missed. The process is simple - go to Ubi.com, login, click "Edit", retype your password, tick "Please update me with exclusive content and offers about Ubisoft titles", click "Submit", in the next screen select the "Might and Magic" box and submit your changes.