Following the Heroes V storyline is like watching a movie trailer: you see a series of sequences and try to figure out how they are connected, characters disappear and come back without explanation, and there is not enough character development to guess what are each person's motives. The fact that you can spend several hours in a single scenario before the storylines moves on doesn't help either. If you need clarifications or would like to revisit the events of a previous campaign, Kevin Sung wrote posted a well-written journal on his blog, along with some impressions (watch out for spoilers):

Haven | Inferno | Necropolis | Dungeon | Sylvan | Academy
Haven | Fortress | Dungeon

While reading some of the funniest parts, I thought of all the fun we would have if Nival released a cutscene editor. Perhaps someday the Cranky Hero will end up in a Heroes map.

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