The brand new site of Legends of the Ancients opens on Celestial Heavens. LotA is an upcoming campaign for Heroes of Might and Magic V created by Marzhin, with artwork by Jean-Mathias Xavier. The story takes place in Axeoth and features well-known characters such as Lysander, Solmyr and Emilia Nighthaven.

"Raising from the ranks of the demonic invaders known as the Kreegans, Malustar has become the new Demon King. Once a minority in the kingdom of Nekross, the Kreegans are now ready to claim this land as their own. In the meantime, in the south, a quarrel between the kingdoms of Great Arcan and Palaedra threatens to involve the whole region into war..."

Book 1 of 4 should be released in February. The site includes an introduction of the main characters, a summary of the plot and a desktop wallpaper. Screenshots will become available at a later date. Marzhin is looking for some help to complete his campaign. Send him a PM if you'd like to contribute.

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