MM6-7-8 internal data... Today, 03:33 by nixin (5 replies) in Might and Magic The game data in Morrowind is primarily stored in .ESM and .ESP files.
.ESM files contain the core game...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 18:15 by Tomsod (200 replies) in Might and Magic Yeah, at some point the changelog became full of outdated information, sorry! I will eventually compile...
[MM6][MM7] CombatStats... Yesterday, 11:23 by torkvato (4 replies) in Might and Magic Mod updated to fully support MM6. Lots of new features added, including GM identification for MM6, training...
MM7: Is there a way... Yesterday, 04:14 by Tomsod (3 replies) in Might and Magic For modifying maps you need MMExtension with MMEditor. In particular, height and texture indices of...
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 Yesterday, 02:39 by ughid (10 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...
Fans who were disappointed by the Heroes V game manual might be tempted to pick up the Official Game Guide published by Prima. According to Sir Charles at The Genies' Lamp, that would be a mistake. While he admits that he found previous Prima guides useful, including the one for Heroes III, he describes the Heroes V guide as a "worthless piece of rubbish." It includes information that has been on fan sites for a very long time, sections similar to what can be found in the game manual, blurry screenshots, and stats and tips from the beta. The author of the book did a better job with the artifact, walkthroughs and adventure map locations, but that probably isn't worth $20.
MM6-7-8 internal data... Today, 03:33 by nixin (5 replies) in Might and Magic The game data in Morrowind is primarily stored in .ESM and .ESP files.
.ESM files contain the core game...
Elemental Mod for MM7... Yesterday, 18:15 by Tomsod (200 replies) in Might and Magic Yeah, at some point the changelog became full of outdated information, sorry! I will eventually compile...
[MM6][MM7] CombatStats... Yesterday, 11:23 by torkvato (4 replies) in Might and Magic Mod updated to fully support MM6. Lots of new features added, including GM identification for MM6, training...
MM7: Is there a way... Yesterday, 04:14 by Tomsod (3 replies) in Might and Magic For modifying maps you need MMExtension with MMEditor. In particular, height and texture indices of...
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 Yesterday, 02:39 by ughid (10 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...