Elemental Mod for MM7... Today, 14:11 by raekuul (229 replies) in Might and Magic Awesome.
So impressions, both generally and with the current version:
The changes to elemental damage...
A Small 2D Project... 03.03, 20:14 by Rozwaal (3 replies) in Might and Magic Well… I played for twenty minutes, and I haven't gotten past first healing potion. The hitbox is garbage,...
ALL MODDERS READ!!Major... 03.03, 17:06 by an00bis (32 replies) in Might and Magic There is also RTX Remix https://www.moddb.com/games/might-and-magic-9/downloads/rtxconf-might-and-magic-9
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 03.03, 15:50 by Malekitsu (11 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...
Gaming Age reports that online service GameTap now includes older Might and Magic titles in its collection. Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra, Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen and Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen can be played on-demand as long as you own a broadband-connected PC and live in the United States. The GameTap service offers a wide selection of games (classics, mostly) for a monthly fee. There's a free trial available.
Elemental Mod for MM7... Today, 14:11 by raekuul (229 replies) in Might and Magic Awesome.
So impressions, both generally and with the current version:
The changes to elemental damage...
A Small 2D Project... 03.03, 20:14 by Rozwaal (3 replies) in Might and Magic Well… I played for twenty minutes, and I haven't gotten past first healing potion. The hitbox is garbage,...
ALL MODDERS READ!!Major... 03.03, 17:06 by an00bis (32 replies) in Might and Magic There is also RTX Remix https://www.moddb.com/games/might-and-magic-9/downloads/rtxconf-might-and-magic-9
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 03.03, 15:50 by Malekitsu (11 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...