- Ubi and Starforce: it didn't take long for a thread about Starforce to be reopened, but surprisingly the discussion is more light-hearted.
- Spells: a three page discussion about an area of Heroes V we don't know very well yet. I would love to read a magazine preview on this topic.
- The Diary of Yog the Barbarian: while the Rage of the Carrots is getting a lot of attention, other members have started another game where members are taking turns telling the story of Yog.
- Hall of Fame: Psychobabble's hall of fame has been copied to the new Campfire. It links to some of the most important discussions in the Heroes IV era of the Might and Magic community.
- Finally, Tactics = IMBA (a follow-up to a discussion in the old forums), Winds of War help needed - Mongo Campaign and How do I beat my friend online, Life vs Chaos!? show that Heroes IV still gets played a lot.

The following people have been awarded the title of Knights of the Round Table for their outstanding participation in the old forums, both in quantity and quality: Wildbear, Echo_, Wimfrits, Veldrynus, Kareeah Indaga, Thelonius, HodgePodge, Caradoc, Qurqirish Dragon, a55a55in, gravyluvr, Marelt Ekiran, Banedon, ScarlettP, Tar, Lord Hart, Board Guest 808888, Pepak and PeteusMax. Ethric, the member with the highest number of posts, has been allowed to carry a title of his own, Necrosorcerous Rex. New Knights will be announced during the months to come.