I feel bad. Not very many map-makers take me up on my offer to review their map if they ask me to do so in this thread. However, first time map-maker Sauron did just that with his XL Equilbris map War Of Eranol and expressed his hope that I wouldn't get bored playing it. Unfortunately, as with many XL maps, I did and I wrote a fairly negative review. To better explain my boredom I decided to wax lyrical about the nature of computer games:
Even the most enjoyable of computer games can get boring after a while. At the heart of almost every game is a high element of what might look to be tedius repitition to an observer, but to the person who is spending hours playing the game this tedium is serving a higher purpose and is thus enjoyable. Think about it. Spawn camping in MMOs, playing endless rounds of deathmatch on the same maps in an FPS or RTS, following the same 4X path in every Civ game you play, cow level runs in Diablo II, trying to teach the new baby Sim that the potplant is not a toilet, wending your way thought the familiar D&D levelling path and fighting enemies graded on roughly the same difficulty curve in just about every RPG and, yes, endlessly fighting small variations of the same battles in Heroes of Might and Magic. But each of these tedius, repetitive, actions entertains us because they are being done for a higher purpose, levelling up, getting phat lewt, increasing your l33t skillz, mastering strategic niceties, saving the world from pixellated megalomaiacs and so on.

What does all this have to do with my review of the map? Read it and find out!

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