Another wave of HOMMV GameCon videos have been washed up, direct from the Russian side of the Nival website and, more indirectly, from a German magazine (thanks to Dink-the-Mink on the Ubisoft forums for the heads-up).

Both videos feature a very similar (possibly the same) combat/adventure map scenario. The magazine video (which has been available for a while now) is around 40Mb, has more content, but has poorer quality sound and video. The commentary is also in German, although Dink has kindly provided a download link for a translation. All can be downloaded here.

The Nival video is twice the size (80Mb) and, predictably, comes in two parts - the second of which is yet to be uploaded to the site. However, it's good quality, features english commentary by Fabrice and the musical score can be clearly heard. It can be downloaded here.

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