M&M8 Alchemy Mod... Yesterday, 16:46 by koval321 (24 replies) in Might and Magic This mod is here http://mmgames.ru/
in menu might and magic > Complete Extentions of MM
Elemental Mod for MM7... 11.02, 20:09 by Tomsod (204 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, which file shoud be edited to fix problem with dodge skill?
In vanilla game and unfortunately in...
MM6-7-8 internal data... 11.02, 03:33 by nixin (5 replies) in Might and Magic The game data in Morrowind is primarily stored in .ESM and .ESP files.
.ESM files contain the core game...
[MM6][MM7] CombatStats... 10.02, 11:23 by torkvato (4 replies) in Might and Magic Mod updated to fully support MM6. Lots of new features added, including GM identification for MM6, training...
MM7: Is there a way... 10.02, 04:14 by Tomsod (3 replies) in Might and Magic For modifying maps you need MMExtension with MMEditor. In particular, height and texture indices of...
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 10.02, 02:39 by ughid (10 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...
We rarely mention map updates, hoping that mapmakers submit their maps when they are really finished. However, in the case of the Champions campaign, we will gladly make an exception given the scope and the complexity of the project. The three-map campaign has received two updates today based on suggestions by HodgePodge and other testers. It now has a new difficulty engine with tougher battles; you will, hopefully, find a difficulty setting that fits your playing style.
Edit: Jimbo's Old World, an extra-large Shadow of Death map, has been uploaded for testing. Pick up the map on the top of this page, and contact the mapmaker for more information.
M&M8 Alchemy Mod... Yesterday, 16:46 by koval321 (24 replies) in Might and Magic This mod is here http://mmgames.ru/
in menu might and magic > Complete Extentions of MM
Elemental Mod for MM7... 11.02, 20:09 by Tomsod (204 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, which file shoud be edited to fix problem with dodge skill?
In vanilla game and unfortunately in...
MM6-7-8 internal data... 11.02, 03:33 by nixin (5 replies) in Might and Magic The game data in Morrowind is primarily stored in .ESM and .ESP files.
.ESM files contain the core game...
[MM6][MM7] CombatStats... 10.02, 11:23 by torkvato (4 replies) in Might and Magic Mod updated to fully support MM6. Lots of new features added, including GM identification for MM6, training...
MM7: Is there a way... 10.02, 04:14 by Tomsod (3 replies) in Might and Magic For modifying maps you need MMExtension with MMEditor. In particular, height and texture indices of...
MMMERGE MAW MOD: 2.5.0 10.02, 02:39 by ughid (10 replies) in Might and Magic Another player cannot damage dragon hunters in Garotte Gorge either by meele nor spell, so dragon promotion...