Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 18:41 by Pol (88 replies) in News https://youtu.be/_tB6YXq2ED0
Etharil, Unfrozen's PL Community Manager, speaks about Heroes Olden Era.
What content was updated... Yesterday, 14:18 by Pol (2 replies) in Heroes VII No idea. Likely things related to online playing or protected content management. They might also remove...
MM7 new modding 13.11, 21:27 by Kaltenberg (74 replies) in Might and Magic Yes, really. This is the concept here, and elsewhere it's icy, for example. I always try to come up...
GrayFace MM7 Patch... 13.11, 12:32 by Vinevi (554 replies) in Might and Magic Hello!
New in version 2.5:
Now you can climb steep mountains, like you used to when the game came out,...
The first part of our E3 wrap-up report is actually a surprise. Former New World Computing director David Mullich sent us a four-page long article with the following note: "I thought you and the other fans at Celestial Heavens might be interested in my impressions of Heroes V, which Fabrice Cambounet of Ubisoft demonstrated for me at E3 on Thursday." David's first impressions are generally positive, but includes a few concerns. Read it all here.
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 18:41 by Pol (88 replies) in News https://youtu.be/_tB6YXq2ED0
Etharil, Unfrozen's PL Community Manager, speaks about Heroes Olden Era.
What content was updated... Yesterday, 14:18 by Pol (2 replies) in Heroes VII No idea. Likely things related to online playing or protected content management. They might also remove...
MM7 new modding 13.11, 21:27 by Kaltenberg (74 replies) in Might and Magic Yes, really. This is the concept here, and elsewhere it's icy, for example. I always try to come up...
GrayFace MM7 Patch... 13.11, 12:32 by Vinevi (554 replies) in Might and Magic Hello!
New in version 2.5:
Now you can climb steep mountains, like you used to when the game came out,...