As of today, Songs of Conquest is officially available on the Mac App Store!The Mac app version fully supports crossplay with other platforms, so it’s the..
Elemental Mod for MM7... 32 minutes ago by Tomsod (141 replies) in Might and Magic Status report: I'm 95% sure to release something by New Year, but it'll most likely be an open beta...
MM7Rev4mod A Radical... Yesterday, 23:44 by Coldy (48 replies) in Might and Magic I started a new party and replaced the ranger/wanderer with an archer (elf, 2nd position) and it's all...
[New Mod] Might and... Yesterday, 13:39 by neutonm (117 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, I have following errors during first couple of minutes of the game:
Could you trace back your steps...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 04:10 by raekuul (8472 replies) in Might and Magic It's because those facets have to have the "this will be highlighted with Perception X" property set....
[M&M7 Mod] Real... 16.11, 19:23 by Vinevi (3 replies) in Might and Magic This is amazing work! Great job!
I never liked the default MM7 NPC portraits -- they looked so goofy....
After more than a year, the Heroes of Might and Magic patches have an official home once again. You can download them from the Downloads section of the Ubisoft site. They are not listed in the history of the page, so use the heroes keyword in the search field instead. Even though the files have been there since December 3rd already, maybe it's a sign that Ubi is ready to start talking about Heroes once again. Thanks to Urbanmonk for finding those files.
Elemental Mod for MM7... 32 minutes ago by Tomsod (141 replies) in Might and Magic Status report: I'm 95% sure to release something by New Year, but it'll most likely be an open beta...
MM7Rev4mod A Radical... Yesterday, 23:44 by Coldy (48 replies) in Might and Magic I started a new party and replaced the ranger/wanderer with an archer (elf, 2nd position) and it's all...
[New Mod] Might and... Yesterday, 13:39 by neutonm (117 replies) in Might and Magic Hi, I have following errors during first couple of minutes of the game:
Could you trace back your steps...
Might and Magic 6,... Yesterday, 04:10 by raekuul (8472 replies) in Might and Magic It's because those facets have to have the "this will be highlighted with Perception X" property set....
[M&M7 Mod] Real... 16.11, 19:23 by Vinevi (3 replies) in Might and Magic This is amazing work! Great job!
I never liked the default MM7 NPC portraits -- they looked so goofy....