MM7Rev4mod A Radical... 11 minutes ago by Lone_Wolf (27 replies) in Might and Magic Thank you, Tomsod .
For testing I increased water resistance to 500 for all chars and acid burst does...
MM7 potions or spells... Yesterday, 21:08 by Lone_Wolf (3 replies) in Might and Magic Thanks, hadn't considered the npc/item bonuses and they can increase potion power a lot.
Given the finite...
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 18:31 by Pol (84 replies) in News Tier 6th, Dread Knight, Avatar of War, Hollow Reaper
Might and Magic 6,... 04.11, 21:11 by DaveHer (182 replies) in Might and Magic What is localization? Does it have to do with languages? If it does, than yes. But someone will have...
Might and Magic 6,... 04.11, 19:41 by metalstorm (8455 replies) in Might and Magic Дружище, похоже, пора делать новую полную сборку, потому что с текущей версией ревамп'а и твоего перевода...
Multiplayer for MMMerge... 04.11, 18:41 by prw (283 replies) in Might and Magic Made an account just to say this mod is AMAZING! I wish all multiplayer mods for singleplayer games...
I asked you to send in pics of your gear and I have had literally a response. Here is DanTanna's setup: Vintage Altec Lansing front speakers with Definitive Technology front, surrounds and sub; Outlaw Audio home theater processor and 5x200 watt Outlaw amp with the laptop running the show. A Mitsubishi 65" HD TV is used as a monitor.
MM7Rev4mod A Radical... 11 minutes ago by Lone_Wolf (27 replies) in Might and Magic Thank you, Tomsod .
For testing I increased water resistance to 500 for all chars and acid burst does...
MM7 potions or spells... Yesterday, 21:08 by Lone_Wolf (3 replies) in Might and Magic Thanks, hadn't considered the npc/item bonuses and they can increase potion power a lot.
Given the finite...
Heroes of Might &... Yesterday, 18:31 by Pol (84 replies) in News Tier 6th, Dread Knight, Avatar of War, Hollow Reaper
Might and Magic 6,... 04.11, 21:11 by DaveHer (182 replies) in Might and Magic What is localization? Does it have to do with languages? If it does, than yes. But someone will have...
Might and Magic 6,... 04.11, 19:41 by metalstorm (8455 replies) in Might and Magic Дружище, похоже, пора делать новую полную сборку, потому что с текущей версией ревамп'а и твоего перевода...
Multiplayer for MMMerge... 04.11, 18:41 by prw (283 replies) in Might and Magic Made an account just to say this mod is AMAZING! I wish all multiplayer mods for singleplayer games...