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Unread postby asandir » 23 Oct 2006, 00:50

I think that covers most of the important action ....
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Unread postby Mytical » 23 Oct 2006, 10:25

*sighs* Don't you absolutely hate it when you come up with a great idea and figure out it is impossible to impliment without 1) a graphics expert with a load of time on there hands...2) some people who think outside the box...and 3) enough people to play the game? Was thinking about a brain teaser like game but sadly would be very limited online :(. Oh well :).
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Unread postby gravyluvr » 23 Oct 2006, 14:21

Oh yeah... And Milla's Loveslave (aka gravyluvr) who missed about a week of reading the thread due to family and then work obligations still hasn't caught up to the action. I think I'm near a pond with Unicorns and I have no idea where the party went.
If I were a flower, I'd be a really big flame-throwing flower with five heads.

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Unread postby [T]osHiro » 28 Oct 2006, 07:20

Is it okay to Open a new '10 word story' Thread again? We'll make some rules to lessen the spam like:

#1 Each person may post again only after 10 post after their recent post has been made.
#2 The 10 words may be posted by 10 words that begins with the same alphabet, or 10 words that follows the alphabetical order, or reverse.
#3 Or we prohibit DL and TT into playing this game. :devil:
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Oct 2006, 07:33

a55a55in wrote: #3 Or we prohibit DL and TT into playing this game. :devil:
Please,we all know that it was our lovely mods that posted the most in the RotC :devil: I never spam oneliners.TT,on the other hand.... :devious:

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Unread postby Kalah » 28 Oct 2006, 20:34

a55a55in wrote:Is it okay to Open a new '10 word story' Thread again?
Not a chance.


Maybe for Christmas.

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 28 Oct 2006, 20:39

In the mean time, you can read the 10 word story from the Old Round Table :-D
It all started in a very dark place where Gauldoth
went into a weird state of mind and started going
nuts about world peace and order so I locked myself
in my aunt's umbrella. Unfortunately, the great hero known as
Solymr cast Chain Lightning, dissolving the umbrella and the rest
of the zombies started drinking all of Waerjak’s good mead.

Then as the Zombies drinked the mead Waerjack ran away
so far he found a place the locals called Enroth
and start finding more mead to drink. Unfortunately, he kicked
a turtle in the belly and had great pains in
the gut. Turtle fluid gushed out and Waerjak got curious
So Waerjack thought and said to himself "I want war"
So he wrote a letter to Gauldoth and Emilia saying --
But the turtles were out on the Gold Sea drinking
loveable pink mead with the furry little ewoks from hell
and trying to overcome their fear of bratwurst, so Emilia
dug a deep hole to bury the spotted turtle eggs.

Then a dozen Black Dragons swooped over her head and
[ignore the dragons and worry about her new problem: zits.]
She was allergic to reptiles, she should have known that.
So she, the teenage queen, ran home and applied cream.
After weeks of using cream her face became a dragon
that ran fast to the city of the fireflies where
a water elemental was wreaking havoc. Meanwhile the faceless queen
was hypnotized by flickering lights, causing her to become disoriented

So, she went to seek her old friend Solmyr but
the magical blood of Sea Monsters slayed by Tawni Balfour
turned into a potion of magical tree sap and Tarnum
patched holes in his boat caused by Emilia's temper tantrum
then sailed the boat using the poodles as sails and
a crocodile as the rudder, guiding the boat over waves
of Soylent Green. The waves screaming drove Emilia insane and
he picked up Gauldoth and threw him into her purse
then she went shopping for tomatoes, asparagus and brussel sprouts.
Gauldoth was knocked unconscious when her change hit his head.

Luckily, it was all paper money so he only suffered
a minor concussion. Meanwhile, in Spazzmaticus’ throne room, a Megadragon
was trying to fit his huge tail into Spazz's royal
chamberpot. Spazz looked him in the eye and said, "You
had better do your "business" someplace else, my scaly friend!"
Then he called his guards and an army of warlocks.
The Megadragon swished his tail and they all went flying
into the moat, right before a Wand of Lightning was
used to stir the cauldron of Soylent Green and vegetables.

Halfway trough the waves, Waerjak has suffered major seasickness; Emilia
took the veil off her disfigured face and told him
she loved him and kissed him on the lips and
her face went beautiful again. Waerjak continued vomiting which polluted
the water. However Waerjack also liked Emilia so they married
thus allying their two countries, and they had fourteen kids.

Unfortunetly the assassin Mezisto poisoned there kids and they died.
Waerjak was upset and went back to drinking mead but he
ran into his old drinking buddy, Crag Hack, and they
frolicked into the night with a final destination of the
flag ship of Tawni Balfour’s pirate fleet, where they planned:
steal all the turtle mead to sell. Their ship blasted
huge meatballs shaped like pomegrates into the depths of the
Golden Sea, which slowly started getting a strange pinkish color.

A giant Sea Monster came up to investigate, flanked by
a magenta whale and a magical cyan dolphin that could
turn wood into butter and steel into grape jelly. They
swam solemnly to meet Waerjack, the whale grinning as it
ate a few innocent monkeys from the delicious table of
Wegg and Yog, who swung down from the tree tops.

Then the Barbarians present decided that they needed a good
Dung Beetle Pie a la mode with kumquats on top
and orc's liver as the main course, with behemoth's dung.
However Emilia said to Waerjack that they wanted to have
an azure dragon pet named "Waerjie". So Emilia pulled Gauldoth
and kissed him. Waerjack was jealous so he punched Gauldoth.
But his fist went through Gauldoth bones and hit a
little innocent girl, killing her instantly. Then the Black Dragons
started to throw clawfulls of popcorn on the proceedings, which…
Which they ate while watching Heroes – The Movie, Part one
and laughed so hard that their tentacles started burning but…
But Gauldoth was offended and went to a dark place
then dissolved into a quivering mass of Evil Eye bait.

However, five-handed cyclopses approached from nowhere sniffing the remains
and debating with each other whether or not they should
use them to appease their tribe's dwarf god or just
get a big loaf of wheat bread and eat them.
Gauldoth intervened trying to raise the dragon, but all he
managed to do was get thrown into a Titan’s bathtub
by the poor dragon's desperate grandmother, a Titaness herself, so
you can imagine how her formerly perky parts now drooped.
And she accidentally pulled the plug of the tub, so
with a rapid whirlpool, they all went down the drain.

Then Solmyr dove after them with a bungee cord around
the pointiest point of its pointy pony tail, which pointed
way up into the air and down towards the ground.
However, Solymr managed to save Emilia and Waerjie and something
undefined that seemed half Gauldoth, but half corpse, of course,
so the four heroes came flying out of the drain
through the dragon's grandmother's roof and into a fluffy cloud.
[of a rare but highly toxic gas which smelled of …]
They waved at the Lincoln as it flew past, and
continued their metaphysical journey into the celestial heavens :), where they
saw the little innocent girl that Waerjack had accidentally punched
and she was mercilessly torturing an innocent Archangel with a
toothpick and a HUGE bag of marshmallows, along with a
waspwort, who was preparing the salad, and an Evil Sorceress.
The Evil Sorceress waved her hands and turned bright chartruse
by casting Implosion on both the Waspwort and the salad.

With random vegetables flying everywhere, the heroes cried "Lettuce Pray"
and so they did, Amen! Finally, when the Thunderbirds arrived
flying downwards towards the vegetable sauce, that boiled with an
eerie light and a rancid smell like rotten eggs, they
flew the whole foul concoction away to Spazzmaticus' royal palace.

Spazz was, of course, very pleased with the chaotic mess
but not with those Barbaric Birds barging his birthday bash.
So he gave a command to his scaly allies to
light the candles on his cake, but instead they burned
a hole in the floor. Then Spazz decided that {he}
would rather have foul salad than birthday cake any day.
So he chopped up a section of Erutan’s forest for
a sacrifice to the birthday god and hope for something:
that {he} will wage war on all countries of Axeoth, which
angered Erutan so he called garangutans and destroyed the
stockpile of new lutes and flutes for Agraynel and Aeris,
who channelled Kilgor and declared war on the world, accidentally,
but everyone escaped through convenient portals into another new world.

The End!
Just thought it would be nice to have it posted around here too.
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Unread postby Kalah » 28 Oct 2006, 20:45

Here is the one-word story:

[quote]Rage of the Carrots

Chapter I

The moose somersaulted over a landmine and missed the gigantic leprechaun by millimetres. "That blew!" the shook-up onlooker shouted loudly before hammering wildly with an enchanted carrot into juicy goop. This caused hydrophobia for a curious marsupial, and massively introspective feelings regarding certain possums. "Stop the insanity!" the leprechaun burped angrily, with a tone that resembled a marilith who ate perverse inkhorns for breakfast, salted and barbequed. A dentist extracted some seventy-six broken incisors with dread, and got incredibly schizophrenic habits, which definitely implicated annoying squirrels that denied the existence of the Yeti-Burger.

Controversy has escalated concerning possums foraging pumpkins savagely with spoons made from fungal spores laced with asbestos, because frankly, it could sunder the rooftop eternally without pampering his mother. Nevertheless, the green pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis mucus scorched between its pubicles caused Mayor Dental distress. "What do chickens taste like in green plasma hammer?" asked the mechanic, who detested plasma doughnuts dipped in honey-dipped pudding particles. Nothing will ever sprout kusari-gamas that tuned into hobnobbing umbrellas that floated atop cathedrals.

Thus, without the correct arithmetic the huskarls slowly set a jelly explosive into his abating hairline. Cataphracti is only riding obtusely large ponies with obscenely benevolent thoughts that seldom showed an increase in the number of bad ideas, like this. Therefore, Ashurbanipal juggled matches atop a pile of meatloaves and contemplated robustly. Thus, Herds of small hockey-players skated upside-down over Icy soda looking for cheerleaders hedonistically masticating carbon-based monomers at Video Ezy in alternating time-lines. "Don't ever say that toilet-seats could ever monopolize septahedrons while superficially devastating the landscape and psychobabbling everyone malevolently causing great cucumbers!" whispered the big bad wolf, mocking the adroit Chuck Norris.

Octuple septuplets emerged expeditiously from the Batcave exhaling noxious gaseous fumes killed tons of sebastocrators, who were utterly fired by a bunch of peanuts. Wherefore agents kept spying maniacally at the roaring waterfalls, tripping on bent popsicle sticks, carelessly exiled to the outer parts of Isengard, the moose didn’t know. Abominable legislations abound wherever trapezoids combine with Sex, lies and Videotapes along with mobile corpses and zombies. "Leave before dawn spreads unto thine decepticons." A crucial moment for the battle between the babies of voluptuous marketing-strategy imparts the peers of Roland Magnus Silverroshei, which bores the dwarves to giggles. Amorality always follows after church although Archimedes' dislike for eggs resulted in devastating Devastator.

On Betamax last millennium there happened something really momentous and unnatural; a humongous caterpillar sneezed on mechanized toilet paper. The Moose didn't care. Darius kicked triangular triangles around the playground or the elephant danced frantically across his skateboard, Tacitus, who bobbed for apples containing peanut butter sandwiches with jelly. The Chef in Newspaper lost his knife just as Frank spit and swallowed this maligned leprechaun several thousand centuries into the ancient Behemoths’ bellybutton. Walruses swam across marshmallowy palm trees and roared at mucus-covered teddy bears three times. Artaxerxes went berserk and strategized his scheme of phalanxes to manipulate groups of filthy Megadragons with huge broccoli and eat them raw with a malachite loincloth. Leprechauns massacred gazillions of chickens with esoteric red pens. And finally Lord Haart threw his rubbish perplexingly at his PC resulting in lots of howling hard-drives incorporating teeny-tiny Leviathans, weeping alligator-tears on the carrots.

Spectacular explosions from Uranus caused Solaris to go soaring up o'ersized fuzz balls made entirely of pieces of hamsters, which cocoonised with upholstery barking. The moose didn't care. Splitting up moose-related toenails themes excited the confused elk into machine-gunning innocent fire-breathing TV sets with an irregular straight peashooter. "Unfortunately, your language isn’t readily ready", whined the Dutch moose most sea urchins considered sacrificing for lunch following Plutonian window cleaners, making no sense whatsoever. The moose overlooked the gigantic geniality of the children of zer night while walking upside-down into the teletubby-infested den with night vision goggles. Drusus, the mighty mailman saved his lunch from being vivaciously up-chucked by the minstrel boy whose boat paraglided toward the empty seashell, green from eating tempura.

"I don't understand what cows mean by dancing in bikinis while transmutating into ice cakes on the Eve of Doom, even frizzled at apathetic Lizard Men", queried however why dodecahedrons fumbled swiftly through their never-ending story, while empathetically acquiring a period. Cantacuzenus did never become emperor without assassinating teddy bears in his pants and bicycle-bags. Forever more, the barbarian toggled his manhood in a mud hole while grasping the alphanumeric, pulsating, carrot-like, coconut-shaped, purple, oblong eggplant with crustacean-bearing mould on and dozens of lice.

In Havens, toilet-seats incinerated from the heat emanating out of Cartman's... nose, projecting smallish nanotechnologically-constructed borg-implants of superconducting energetic goose-bumps, looking at the Brobdingnagian, who huffed blobs of orange sherbet and carburettors. Carrots, potatoes and small chunks of Bert lay dancing upon the endless-looking, cracked football pitch constructed in honour of Lord Haart, the Saddam-like fool who thoughtlessly planned to kill the people mercilessly if they ever said "Hey, Lord Haart, your pet leprechaun would malevolently call the Scythian a dragon." every time Mephistopheles goes haywire while time flies and sentences continue vigorously without any sense or meaning.
"Fire!", shouted the bowmen-leader to legions of pyrophobics involved in a plot to slaughter whole-sale tomato-flavoured onions around piles and piles of hand grenades with weapons of mass destruction and cucumbers. Therefore, for their insolence and indigo tan, they transformed rabbits into blind moose that pirouetted to any other possible position on the battlefield. The cucumbers chased themselves.
Meanwhile, deep down the ravine, Dogwoggle wanted a bigyrate for a sunbeam, but he indefinitely levitated stratospherically scarlet alligators and moose without mercy into hermetically walrused, gigantic, and extreme sausages stuffed into the adroit fungi's and yak's blackboard of benevolent thinkers that maligned heliotropes with small poppysnaps' combined yellowness with mystical camels and insubordinate pedantic wormholes that died. Still, magnificent rogues jumped higher in the evergreen, indigo field of uncaring lettuce the burning leprechauns dance crazily around about 9 o'clock rock, but Halibut, the mighty moose, said "I am the king!"
When Diocletian finished cleaning those hippopotamus teeth, he ate sunflower seeds during the incongruent ungulates' lunch brakes with apples & oranges.

The Oscillation Overthruster went in the famous rectum to vivaciously dance around the sulfuric wolf den along with carbonacious soda pops that disintegratd into some ugly ducklings without delay. Cartman had 42 anteaters. However, he ate a multitude of unspecified thunderbirds strings, and then some pretentious potatoes pantomimed into minute seconds, teleported to heaven, and sang sinful for whoever passed over the mountain from the gargantuan ancient leprechaun. In Nekkorum most moose never lie before I go-go undercover with my xenophobic illithid and whatnots, leaving behind the Carrots raging at numerous prestidigitators! Today we propasize the end of all control in cybernetic space saving dozens of unholy carrots fishnet who removed available and unavailable arsonists that burned clocks because the piglets refuse to go where no moose dared hopscotching along before.

Hypmotizes hypnotisers, on the other hand, broke wanted maligned boars and choped them into the slimy apricot-like trash-recebtable, incidentally with some regurgitators and harmless bottlenecks, consuming the only available flagon from the disgruntled mailman. But, some people thought that they got scared and refused to participate in performing 1,000 terrors, which turned into ominous riots that rigorously danced around the huge boulder in order to replicate replicas without eradicating any leprechauns but dozens of spiders were crying on past presents. According to the Great Chuzzlewump, chickens farted cannonballs painstakingly to avoid ricocheting herrings tumbling Trogdors inside fluidic constitutions. The enthusiastic chimpanzee started to cry after someone honked, allowing Ethric time to pollinate the ugly celebration of the season. After consuming all the carrots, the balrog-resembling whistled for some cold chipped potatoes and a toasted chocolate bar with lots of sugar cubes cane daddys, but her carrots were sharp enough to cut uridium uranium in the darkest , most idiotic way using some kind of latex stuff which should never burn without the firemen actually eating PB+J.

Now some idiotic australopithecus carrot ate a raging carrot with lots of sacred groves on as rabbits are happy when the moose runs like a long-legged emu with a case three times the unseen cyclops' size of 18 fathoms deep. However, a bespectacled gorilla somehow danced among pot-bellied sprites, HUGE amounts of explosive gooseberries were the picnic disturbing truths about hideous one-eyed carrots and portioned cheese-faced necromancers who think highly of Kalah as a doubtful moose and stuff.
"Dang it!", said Depirelles when someone's inflatable gorilla exploded into the hilariously clear view of a ranged tough guy who was racing the Yetiburger in a large pizza drowned in dressing-room babes with maximal boobs and tight lips that suck maximum lollipops inside their girlfriend's house-sized clubhouse between the narrow tunnels that slowly doomed "sink" everyone and some fries. After that, the moose died. The Goldfish started dancing around roundish rocks naked despite most hair-brained moose's opinion regarding indecent lichs perspiring and trying to focus on everything absent mindedly because they never could possibly take a nap under unsanitary and improper conditions like these shocking, idiotic, and repugnant troglodites.

Witch of whiteness who loves to fill an empty bucket with vomit and mongeese high trees copulating with geese, was eating pomegranates without using any gumbo or gumchewer that spits out macaronies and spaghetti with kool-aid flavored watermelon and stupid, idiotic ominous-looking children-eating ever-expanding halflings tree-climbing dendroid guards that make Beer using the omnipotent Accountant who howls after paraphrasing like the power liches when they cry because the carrots rage overpowered the leprechaun’s moans.

Knuckle-crackers usually deceive spam mail and take action only after certain moose pirouettes into wild-berry whirls that most of the bears and hedgehogs experienced to have strong emotinal deviations and other flaws. When cats rampage on wandering idiots, armadillos exfoliate planets to connect funky antwerps to do major hunting butt-naked while trying to de-louse the colossal, naked pineapple nude, painting it fuscha in bright naked landscape indecently, exposing whatever paraphanelia that burns Veldrynus' ooga wooga and freezes all smurfs trying to rotate the mystical, feverish, flammable, freakstylenjoyable and indefatiguable carrots around the table round, because often, they like it.

Chapter II

Finally, a possum eats anything tangible using pernicious teeth to bite that piece of hedgehog-thing into tiny particulate pieces of needles and spikes until the carrots begun flying around with dead wings verboosely when, aluvasudn, another raging balrog-eater tried bungee-jumping with a string on the middle of traffic and fruitbats side-dishes jumped to escape the flaming pigeon like a fire breathing wizzzard hero with a pointed club like a tall chimpanzee running sideways with a handful of rainbows that definitely shine with most plasma shards insinuating hope for a lot of fruits meandering the flow of tulips.

Consequently, the hedgehog danced like drunken quidditch chasers due to the frolicking, green skeletons with psychadelic t-shirts on the unholy piece of flesh that shuddered the possum when bagpipes started exploding all over the flatulent and was expanding at Kalah the small cake nibbler in her skirt creating the illusion that is a fat umbrella with foozles and noodles going on ridiculous, solitary solipliqoi and vexing bipeds which never get smurfed or foozled. And then, the hedgehogs galloped past the rabbit, using steroids to increase their musclepower and potential side-effects of stunning, shocking, vibrating and frustrating muppets who failed instantly at shooting cybernetic robotic anthropomorphic chickens. Also, the monkeys cycled continously around Tyrius while titans shot loogies accurately and constantly towards you, but something strange appeared and blocked at random.

Chimpanzees danced, unaffected but hungry peons have hairy ears but they also stinks buckets full of bananas, pork rines, smell really of rusty swords that have carcasses with slimy liquid peasants.

Before they start yelling insults, Crag Hack and George W. Bush visit Celestial Heavens together only because of the similarity between their clothes and voice induced silently whilst some crazy physicist tried to abduct most earwax from inside the fish-contractor without reason to tell Sir. Obvious anything about anything concerning the Zimbobs, who couldn't have understand why Rage of the Carrots attracts members like flies.

Some dendroid guards incinerated me into small, creeping ants that meander most of us hickory, thus you can't try to trick Leprechaus into selling their green hats for 5 gems. Instead, Satanisch Ritter and me should stop trying competing in this. We can try to make each post logical' conclusion instead of spamming uncontrollably this and that other forums such as the Guardian's Grove in topics such as this lazy a$$ kicker maniac who thinks the opposite side of the coin in the bag of money from his backpack. A new cow portal of the haste of pain that opened another way for Diablo to go on to try kill every human on the face of earth. The other lord of destruction and Mephisto, the lord of hatred are going to change the world.

Block of killing bees could almost sting Magi' magic spell casting a curse that was making a man with a nose strange rash like the rash guy in Timbuktoo which has been postulated as a weird disease that can kill the villagers in the moose village. This story is getting a weird turnip because we are getting too much brain overheating because we killed someone named Chickobob. The farmers are going to try falling in love with cucumbers.

The End[/quote]

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 28 Oct 2006, 22:48

Kalah wrote:Here is the one-word story:

We should do it again sometime.
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti

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Unread postby Kalah » 28 Oct 2006, 23:06

ThunderTitan wrote:GREATEST.GAME.EVER.
Yeah, it was a lot of fun while it lasted. There have been other great games too, but I fear any copy of an old game started will not be as fun as the first ones.
ThunderTitan wrote:We should do it again sometime.
Not a snowball's chance in... :tongue:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Oct 2006, 23:14

Kalah wrote: Yeah, it was a lot of fun while it lasted. There have been other great games too, but I fear any copy of an old game started will not be as fun as the first ones.
Didnt we already have a copy of the rage?Also,didnt hangman get 4 separate rounds?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 28 Oct 2006, 23:19

Kalah wrote: Yeah, it was a lot of fun while it lasted. There have been other great games too, but I fear any copy of an old game started will not be as fun as the first ones.
It's a game where you make a story using a million monkeys. Pure Shakespeare right there. It can never not be the Funniest.
Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 29 Oct 2006, 06:28

Oh, its the original RotC! :oex: I've never seen that one before.

IIRC, the first two rounds were at the Old Round Table.
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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 29 Oct 2006, 19:32

Kalah wrote:Maybe for Christmas.
This is binding you know :devious:
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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Oct 2006, 21:14

Which part, the "maybe" ? :tongue:

Hey, opening some sort of [spamming] game for Christmas is turning into a bit of a tradition...

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Unread postby Angelspit » 29 Oct 2006, 22:31

Christmas is, after all, all about spam: countless boring gifts, wishes without any enthusiasm, non-stop holiday music, annoying TV commercials, all stuff that we could very easily live without, just like spam.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 Oct 2006, 22:34

Angelspit wrote:Christmas is, after all, all about spam: countless boring gifts, wishes without any enthusiasm, non-stop holiday music, annoying TV commercials, all stuff that we could very easily live without, just like spam.
Oh come on,we all know that you cannot live without me :devil:

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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Oct 2006, 23:05

Care to find out?

*taking votes to eliminate DL*

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 29 Oct 2006, 23:18

Kalah wrote:Care to find out?

*taking votes to eliminate DL*
You won't get mine, me thinks he's great :D

*cough* need bribe *cough*
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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Oct 2006, 23:20

Milla aka. the Slayer wrote:*cough* need money *cough*
Will a guarantee for a Christmas spamming game suffice? :)

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