"I'm Evil"

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Hambone » 16 Sep 2006, 05:57

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Hambone » 16 Sep 2006, 05:57

The tone of your post makes it sound like this phenomenon is new to you Psychobabble, but I think most people are aware of "OGMs" and most serious websites with serious communities have policies and cultures in place that vitiate against it. I've never seen this manifest as a "witch hunt". If anything, someone recommending a bad product just ends up looking stupid. And if its a good product, well, that kind of blurs the lines to a point that it doesn't really matter. In some ways, a marketer taking the time to learn and respect a community is a much less invasive and annoying practice than spamming or wasting space and bandwidth with banners,especially because the product opens itself up to critique and discussion through this medium. Does this degrade the authenticity of a community? It certainly brings a commercial element into it, but frankly, I don't go to a lot of discussion forums where they aren't already comparing products in one way or another. If I feel sorry for anyone its the marketing droids themselves. What a crappy job!

So thanks for looking out for us and for linking to an illuminating article. But you came off sounding a little paternalistic.

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 16 Sep 2006, 06:08

I was thinking we'd already had an article on something like this a few months ago. I believe it was from Escapist as well, though I may have misremembered.
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Unread postby Psychobabble » 16 Sep 2006, 06:15

Hambone wrote:So thanks for looking out for us and for linking to an illuminating article. But you came off sounding a little paternalistic.
I certainly didn't mean to do that, sorry. The reason I mentioned that I was hesitant in posting was because I thought people might take it as an implicit suggestion that I think we have these sort of here, which I don't. And I have run across discussions of this before, I've just never run across such first hand evidence of it. Have you? If so I'd be interested in linkage.
Kareeah Indaga wrote:I was thinking we'd already had an article on something like this a few months ago. I believe it was from Escapist as well, though I may have misremembered.
I for one don't remember that, and I'm usually the one linking Escapist articles :). Unless you mean the thing on the "frag dolls" pseudo-clan as part of the Ubisoft special?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Sep 2006, 06:21

"It's evil," Jack says. "I'm evil, and I will make you buy this commercial item or visit some site using any means necessary. That's my job, and I have to admit, I'm pretty damn good at it."
That statement is quite funny actually.You cannot actually make anyone do anything against his will.But what you can do is just point something useless to someone looking for something useless to spend his money at.

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Ururam Tururam » 16 Sep 2006, 07:49

It happens on all forums and communities. It is quite a cheap form of advertising everything (and flaming others) from political parties thtough audio-video equipment, computer games up to brands of cigarettes. The only defense is: Remember that such a trend exists and filter what you read in appropriate manner.
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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby ywhtptgtfo » 16 Sep 2006, 08:59

I don't like Psychobabble's tone in the article. He first introduced a 'problem' and then threatened to punish people who want to deal with it. Sounds rude to me.

Besides, if these people want to advertise something, the choice of purchasing the product/service is still up to the readers. So... I don't see why anyone should care about these online advertisement strategies anyway as long as they don't create spam on the forums.

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Raven-sb » 16 Sep 2006, 09:21


You have to be careful reading forums and email because you miss out on a lot of body language. Personally I don't think Psychobabble was being rude, rather he was trying to inform the community about some inethical practices, and prevent problems occuring such as flame wars and personal attacks.

I'll give you an example of the type of behavior I think he's trying to prevent. You may like HoMM 5, I may not. You make a post saying how great it is. Rather then address the points made in your post, I personally attack you by saying that you're just an marketing employee of Ubi and therefore your opinions don't count.

Not a nice thing to do, wouldn't you say?
Edited on Sat, Sep 16 2006, 03:21 by Raven-sb

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Labyrinth » 16 Sep 2006, 09:41

IIRC, the article Kareeah Indaga talks about was from Penny Arcade.
What the #$*! do we know?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Sep 2006, 09:52

Raven-sb wrote:I'll give you an example of the type of behavior I think he's trying to prevent. You may like HoMM 5, I may not. You make a post saying how great it is. Rather then address the points made in your post, I personally attack you by saying that you're just an marketing employee of Ubi and therefore your opinions don't count.

Not a nice thing to do, wouldn't you say?
Edited on Sat, Sep 16
Unless you are talking to an actuall ubi employee that indeed does just promote the game,no matter his personal opinion about the game :devious:

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Unread postby Campaigner » 16 Sep 2006, 10:04

Agreed with Hambone. If someone makes a thread promoting a certain game, so what? There'll be a little discussion about the good and bad points about the game and people say what they think about it. And those people act like normal posters so they're contributing like everyone else.
So I don't see the "problem" at all.
I say it's paranoid site admins that are the problem here.

But....DL have made quite many posts about games he like in the Hall of Heretics....:devil:

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Unread postby Psychobabble » 16 Sep 2006, 11:48

Raven-sb wrote: I'll give you an example of the type of behavior I think he's trying to prevent. You may like HoMM 5, I may not. You make a post saying how great it is. Rather then address the points made in your post, I personally attack you by saying that you're just an marketing employee of Ubi and therefore your opinions don't count.
yes. maybe I didn't make this very clear.

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby dfrosty1 » 16 Sep 2006, 11:59

Do you people pick everything apart? You must be OGM's and Psycho has blown your cover.

That's it!... I will read no posts from anyone that responds negatively to this string (thanks, Psycho for thinking of a way to expose them in this forum, I knew they were here, too)


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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Sep 2006, 12:19

But of course.... everyone that likes H5 is an Ubi mole. And DL is a Blizzard mole. I suggest water-duncking until they confess and then stake-burning. It just ain't a witch-hunt without them.

And i already dedicated a thread about this to HodgePodge not long after the new forum opened and another theread where you could advertise your product. So i'm evil, that guy's just a l4m3r.
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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Falsted » 16 Sep 2006, 13:06

Here we go... :P

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Sep 2006, 13:13

And here it is... viewtopic.php?t=731&start=0

What, you didn't think i would just leave it at a mere mention of the thread, did you?
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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby Vision » 16 Sep 2006, 13:52

I think DF1 was actually being sarcastic...

at least I hope so

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 16 Sep 2006, 15:27

Vision wrote:"I think DF1 was actually being sarcastic..."
Oh really... never wou;d have thought of that.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Sep 2006, 16:41

ThunderTitan wrote:But of course.... everyone that likes H5 is an Ubi mole. And DL is a Blizzard mole. I suggest water-duncking until they confess and then stake-burning. It just ain't a witch-hunt without them.
Actually Im a freelancer and go with whoever pays me enough.Ubi,however,is cheap,so I continue pounding on them whenever I can :devious:

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"I'm Evil"

Unread postby difool » 16 Sep 2006, 17:22

Usually they give themselves away pretty easily; they tend to be new posters,

they tend to be hit-and-run (rarely follow-up on and answer replies), and

the posts usually are nothing more than "Hey! Try out this cool new game!"

with a provided link.

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