Expansion HOMM 5

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 01 Sep 2006, 13:54

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Tysar wrote: Rakshasas are still the spirits they were originally told to be but that's the form they've taken,
These are actually taken from D&D and not original myths.And in D&D rakshasas are very arabic.
Actually, in D&D, Rahkshasa were generally depicted at tiger-spirits, not these 4-armed blue things.

I still recall the picture in the 1st edition moster manual- where the spirit was in a robe and relaxing with a pipe in its mouth (given the mythos, it may have been a hookah, not a pipe).

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Sep 2006, 14:17

soupnazii wrote:for a secong i thought you wrote Nintendog....
That would be quite a creature :devil:
Qurqirish Dragon wrote: Actually, in D&D, Rahkshasa were generally depicted at tiger-spirits, not these 4-armed blue things.

I still recall the picture in the 1st edition moster manual- where the spirit was in a robe and relaxing with a pipe in its mouth (given the mythos, it may have been a hookah, not a pipe).
Indeed so.But they are also quite evil tricksters.

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Unread postby omegaweix » 01 Sep 2006, 17:38

Oh my goodness...

I've only been off the forums for one and a half week (silently hoped the editor was launched meanwhile but...nah) and the white snowy hell broke loose!

I was 99,998% sure that a dwarven theme would never be able to please me (cause i dislike dwarves in nearly every fantasy universe) but some of the shown units (even the level 7 godzilla thing if i consider it ironically) look very promising...
And i really like the graphics of the dwarven town!
But no pic of the Chimera thing yet.... or did i overlook something?
And a Mammoth as mount is the second best thing to imagine for that faction (mountain goat would have been best *g*).

A pretty promising faction (with a terrain to match of course), the "renegade haven guys", new neutrals (manticores hooray!!!), RMG AND caravans (!!!!!!!!!! oh and !!!!!)..... nival, if you implement those features right (AND release a decent editor sooooon) i could consider taking (most of :D) my former rants back and start building a (small) warshipping shrine!

Quite many features in this first (!) expansion.... nearly blizzardish quantities.... hopefully the quality will bear that comparison too...

That gives me hope that i will reinstall Heroes 5 soon (simultaneously with the availability of the map editor).... :)

new avatar, DL? Didn't recognize you for the first half hour of reading through the topics.... graphical statement towards the new expansion?
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Unread postby soupnazii » 01 Sep 2006, 17:56

theres no chimera that i know of except in a creature listing that was supposedly leaked from ubi but actually had all the wrong creatures. and why would you want mountain goats? isnt there enough Warcraft in this game already?

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Last edited by soupnazii on 01 Sep 2006, 18:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Darkstroem » 01 Sep 2006, 17:56

omegaweix wrote:But no pic of the Chimera thing yet.... or did i overlook something?
There is no chimera.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Sep 2006, 19:41

soupnazii wrote:and why would you want mountain goats? isnt there enough Warcraft in this game already?
Whats so warcraftish about mountain goats?Though I cannot imagine a dwarf on it,it would be an excelent elven mount.

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Unread postby Tysar » 01 Sep 2006, 19:47

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Gaidal Cain wrote: Academy is a mish-mash of creatures from different parts of the world:
Gremlins comes from stories in the RAF during WW2 to explain accidents during flights(!)
Gargoyles are frankish, from 7th century
Golems are jewish
Mages are from all over the world, even though the word has roots in old persian
Djinn are arabic
Rakshasa is from India
Titans are greek.

You were saying something about not mixing mythologies?
But they are all unified under the arab/indian theme.Just look at their clothing and weapons.Those golems sure look indian to me.
So we finally agree about something :D. And what I mean is - it's not hard to make a Golem fit into an Arab/Indian themed town, but it would be rather hard to fit an Efreet into a Nordic themed town... ah, whatever :D
soupnazii wrote:for a secong i thought you wrote Nintendog....

Nidhogg is a dragon as well isn't he? Or a serpent? And Nidhogg is a more personal name anyway, just like Jörmungandr or Timmy. It would sound stupid if you were "attacked by a horde of Timmies!". Or am I confused again and Nidhogg is a unique creature and that's it's actual name?

edit: Rams are dwarven mounts in World of Warcraft, but I don't think they should be considered "Warcraftish" as there isn't much choice for the dwarves anyway, and if they weren't used in Warcraft they'd be used in other games anyway. I actually remember reading somewhere in the Witcher Saga about dwarves riding mountain goats as an extreme sport, like rodeo.
Last edited by Tysar on 01 Sep 2006, 19:55, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Sep 2006, 19:50

Tysar wrote: Nidhogg is a dragon as well isn't he? Or a serpent? And Nidhogg is a more personal name anyway, just like Jörmungandr or Timmy. It would sound stupid if you were "attacked by a horde of Timmies!". Or am I confused again and Nidhogg is a unique creature and that's it's actual name?
It would be as silly as being attacked by a horde of Medusas :devil:

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Unread postby Tysar » 01 Sep 2006, 19:58

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Tysar wrote: Nidhogg is a dragon as well isn't he? Or a serpent? And Nidhogg is a more personal name anyway, just like Jörmungandr or Timmy. It would sound stupid if you were "attacked by a horde of Timmies!". Or am I confused again and Nidhogg is a unique creature and that's it's actual name?
It would be as silly as being attacked by a horde of Medusas :devil:
you've got me there again :D

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Unread postby Kilop » 01 Sep 2006, 20:50

There is so;ething that i always don t understand, if the renegades are not the haven in red, and since the haven is not likely to entirely change its skin, as it is one of the best in the game save inquisitor, what the heck is those reds units looking like haven ???

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Unread postby Tysar » 01 Sep 2006, 21:06

It's pretty common for different cities in a kingdom (and especially in an Empire) to have different uniforms reflecting where they come from etc. In this case, we have an army stationed in the northernmost parts of the Griffin Empire so it's not surprising they have different uniforms.

Also, there are a few things which can indicate that these aren't the "renegades" - Stonehelm, and other Free Cities are located east of the Empire, not the north. Also, we have Angels and Inquisitors in the army, and those are units spiritually connected to Elrath and who worship him without exceptions, so they couldn't be the Sylath(?) worshipping humans. Additionally, I think that calling the humans of the Free Cities "renegades" is only correct from a Haven point of view as the Humans origianlly worshipped the Dragon of Air and then changed their worship to Elrath. Some humans didn't like the idea and instead of being forced to worship Elrath they went off to the east and formed the Free Cities. IIRC.

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Unread postby Mytical » 01 Sep 2006, 21:14

Yes if anything the Griffen Empire are the 'renegades' even if they became the predominate force. The original Falcon Empire would be the 'original' as they worshiped the Dragon of Air. Now of course the winner determines history, so they would now be considered 'renegades', but just because they are fewer in number does not make this so. As for the dwarf expansion, if they were going to do mostly dwarf they could have been a little diverse. Something like Hill Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, ect :) hehe. but still shows promise. Now lets hope for the best and prepair for the worse. :beheading:
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Unread postby Kilop » 01 Sep 2006, 21:23

well, i believe that renegades and men from east are two difeerent things, and i don t believe that nival would have changed their skin just for fun, since they don t give use female model heroes ... so what are those strange red havens ... are they normal units or diferents ???
I don t think that if they were normal they would have changed so much, maybe some diferent colors but not difernet skin... so are they a diferent sort of units that we could obtain in haven faction ???

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Unread postby Tysar » 01 Sep 2006, 21:33

yeah, they're different. I wonder what's the story behind those Renegades...

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Unread postby Kilop » 01 Sep 2006, 21:40

ok so if they are diferent, and they belong to have, are not renegade since JJ told so .... WE CAN HIRE THEM !!!
Wich means that there could be 2 possible type of the same unit for each tier ... see what i am saying ??
thye just took a great idea from the IV and made it better ( choose between 2 creatures per tier ... )

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Unread postby Tysar » 01 Sep 2006, 22:12

I... I don't understand a word you've said... :D

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Unread postby Kilop » 01 Sep 2006, 22:26

well i ll say it again... and i ll try to be clear ( i am a bit like the dragon of air on this point : " his tendency to make even the simpler facts appear “hermetic” " )

well there will be 2 diferent types of havens units in the expension , without counting the renegade.
So i may be that they give us the choice between two diferent type of the same unit for each tier in each city , that would be awesome.

an exemple :
inquisitor type one : ranged spell caster , no melee penalty
inquisitor type two : melee spell caster, more dom, no retal

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Sep 2006, 22:31

If you check the early concept art youll see that these "new" heaven units arent new at all.In fact,I think thats how they looked in the beta(well,at least thats how the inquisitor looked like).So they just picked up what they already had.

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Unread postby Tysar » 01 Sep 2006, 22:31

ok, I get what youe mean now. It would be pretty cool, but I don't think tey'll implement this sort of feaure, and the "renegade haven" units seem to be campaign-only imho... we'll see as soon as some more info is released ^_^

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Unread postby Kilop » 01 Sep 2006, 22:33

well JJ just said that what i said was right , so gg me :)

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