T_T whered my dread knight go... ..... ... T_T

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Unread postby soupnazii » 29 Jul 2006, 18:10

already said that magic is and always will be powerful. in heroes3 and 4 implosion could do i think even more damage than it does now. however, the fact that the hero can now still attack directly, and the fact that there are fewer spells, and the fact that some spells are weaker all proves my point that they have been sort of mixed together instead of offering the player two choices: might or magic. in Heroes IV especially you could have an immensley powerful mage with 1,000 damage spells, or you could end up with an unstoppable tank of a hero that could march right through the enemyt army killing everything in his way. now its only one choice. niether one takes a greater role, they have both been shrunk to fit together into one box, instead of being seperated as usual.

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in my humble opinion....

Unread postby wolf8t8t » 02 Aug 2006, 03:18

I do miss death knights.... In fact they should have got rid of ghost dragons for them instead. I know everyone is like .... OMG!! But listen to this, it's like every group has a dragon. Make necros different and have a death knight. Also I think wraiths would be a fav unit if they had a death stare like the gorgons did in homm3. Maybe even a random chance of casting death touch would be nice. Put a little fear in the unit. People would think twice about running up to it and meleeing it. :|

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 02 Aug 2006, 03:32

The wraith is my favorite unit in the necro faction already. They are strong and the death touch comes in very handy against phoenixes.

Let's see, might vs. magic. It's mostly under your control. The hero races are predisposed but I've managed to have all magic-oriented and all might-oriented heroes. I'm picking the skills right? So I don't quite get soupnazi's point.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 02 Aug 2006, 04:07

well, yes you could choose your own skills, but my point is that every faction has their own main skills. for example, academy has knowledge and spellpower, so those are the two that are most likely to pop up when they gain a level. i had an academy hero in a custom game who was level 20 but still had only 3 attack. so even if you got all might-oriented skills, he would still be a magic-oriented hero. some other faction have both might and magic main skill, like necromancers get mostly defence and spellpower (i think). i think inferno is spellpower and attack. you dont have a might hero and a magic hero in each faction like you used to (Heroes 3- Haven- Knight/Cleric. Heroes 4- Academy- Mage/Lord), now you sort of get them all mixed up. i hope i cleared up my point a bit.

oh, and by the way, its soupnazii, not soupnazi. i dont want to be involved with the nazis, but my name came from the Soup Nazi (you know, the guy from Sienfeld? if you dont, shame on you!) ;)

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