Review from one of the isonews ppl

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Review from one of the isonews ppl

Unread postby Laserluger » 11 May 2006, 07:56

This is taken from the isonews-site. Posted by "BadManiac"

BM's mini review:
Holy cow! I'm so impressed with this title I don't even know where to start.

They have in one fell stroke managed to remove everything that made this series great. While at the same time making it completely impossible to get into with one of the most unintuitive interfaces I have had the misfortune to have seen.

The interface is extremely slow. Hover over a unit 2-3 seconds before a box appears which only contains the unit's name, then you have to right click to get the real info that you actually need.

The town interface, once it actually loads, wich takes several seconds. Is incredibly clumsy and poorly designed. Everything is controlled by an extremely console feeling menu, where again, if you want to find out what anything does you have to mouseover it 2-3 seconds to get the description up. Theres no unified menu system like in the previous games, there are no buttons anywhere on the dialogue you are actually working with, it's all on a little menu totally detached from what you are actually doing. Very unintuitive.
City upgrades are controlled from a menu with no controls on it, and there's nothing telling you what you are doing in the interface, you click something in the menu, it doesn't light up or get clearly marked, so you have to guess that you clicked it, and then either left click it again randomly for a while to get something to happen, or click one of the extremely un-informative buttons in the main menu thing.

The world interface is complete crap since you can now control the camera, and nothing is clearly marked any more, so trying to figure out what's what on the world map is very tricky. And large objects tend to always end up right infront of the camera so you can't see anything.
The underground world map is even worse. There are stalagtites hanging down in front of the camera covering everything up, and the tunnels are extremely narrow. So you can't actually see anything because there's always something covering the camera completely, be it a rock wall or a stalagtite.

The old games also had little sounds, animations and highlights to virtually everything you did in the game. You never had to think: "hmm, did that button actually get clicked?". All that is gone, there is no feedback at all to the game any more, half the time since the interface is so slow, you don't know if what you did had any effect.

The combat has been dumbed down to sub-console levels as well. The old Hexagon tiles are gone, replaced by a normal square tile setup, so you have much less tactical options already with only 4 possible directions to move in. Then they've added a bar at the bottom showing in what order the units will act. And they've totally removed the hero's usefulness by giving him an attack, but making him act as a normal unit in the combat, so no longer can you cast a spell with the hero at any time to aid your units in combat, he can only attack or cast when it's his turn. And his attack is less than impressive, easily outdamaged by a few low level units, sure it can be upgaded, but I'd rather have my old useful hero back thanks.
They've also managed to hide the "wait" option in combat very well, there's only a button for defend, which skips that turn with that unit. To wait you have to press "W" on the keyboard, something you have to mouseover the defend button for 2-3 seconds to get the tooltip up to find out.

Graphically the game is also less than impressive, with a 3D engine that looks 3-4 years out of place. Roughly on par with Warcraft 3. If they feel the need to destroy the 2D graphics that have worked perfectly since the first game, they could have at least done it with style, not with some outdated old 3D engine.
Animations might be this games only good point, as they are very well done and extremely smooth. But what good is that if you can't see them because there's a huge stalagtite covering the camera?

And I almost forgot to mention the multiplayer maps. There are about ten of them, no random maps, which has been one of the strongest points of the last two games. And the maps that are available are very static, you can't change almost any of the settings, can't change teams, the only two maps of the largest size don't have underground, and so on. Very uninspiring

Another great series gone down the tubes. These games have always been 2D, and have always worked flawlessly in 2D. And they've always had an extremely intuitive and easy to get into interface. There has never been much of a learning curve. And the combat has always been easy to get into, but hard to master with all the tactical options offered by the hero acting out of turn, untis waiting, and hexagonal movement. It's all gone.

Why they felt the urge to break everything that was good in the previous four games I don't know but there you have it. Skip this if you like Heroes of Might and Magic. Stay away, FAR away.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 11 May 2006, 08:06

....What a worthless review....this is beyond bad....
oh well, guess I have to go to Izonews as well and tell them how to play this game....

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Unread postby Ethric » 11 May 2006, 08:23

As much as I symphatise with many points, this is just uninformed rantings. Just what you can expect from the warez-crowd, if I may so say.
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Unread postby Laserluger » 11 May 2006, 08:33

Ethric wrote:As much as I symphatise with many points, this is just uninformed rantings. Just what you can expect from the warez-crowd, if I may so say.
I hope that it is just rantings myself. After the horror that is Oblivion,
I truly fear that another great series is going to dumbdown-hell.

I was stupid enough to give Bethesda my money and was rewarded
with junk. Demo or not, I will tryout number V so I can decide if it
is worth my money.

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Unread postby Campaigner » 11 May 2006, 09:04

Ethric wrote:As much as I symphatise with many points, this is just uninformed rantings. Just what you can expect from the warez-crowd, if I may so say.
So people who pirate are worse at reviewing games than people that buy..?

I'm certain that many times more people that buy will complain about the tooltip delay since they're not as proficient with computers as pirates.

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Unread postby Ethric » 11 May 2006, 09:20

Campaigner wrote: So people who pirate are worse at reviewing games than people that buy..?
Who the hell locks these things?
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Unread postby HugoMF » 11 May 2006, 09:35

I hope that it is just rantings myself. After the horror that is Oblivion,
I truly fear that another great series is going to dumbdown-hell.

I was stupid enough to give Bethesda my money and was rewarded
with junk. Demo or not, I will tryout number V so I can decide if it
is worth my money.
Guess you are just another one of those forum guys who doesnt really play for himself, but rather share the opinions of the forum whiners. Oblivion is great.
As for this review, ill wait and see for myself. Oblivion is just an example of a game that was ruined for many people due to the really really really bad attitudes in the forums about how bad a few people thought it was (who probably didnt even play more than 10 minutes by the looks of it).

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Unread postby Ethric » 11 May 2006, 09:39

Discuss Oblivion here.
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Unread postby Laserluger » 11 May 2006, 10:03

HugoMF wrote:
Guess you are just another one of those forum guys who doesnt really play for himself, but rather share the opinions of the forum whiners. Oblivion is great.
As for this review, ill wait and see for myself. Oblivion is just an example of a game that was ruined for many people due to the really really really bad attitudes in the forums about how bad a few people thought it was (who probably didnt even play more than 10 minutes by the looks of it).
Lets forget Xblivion.

Here is a little more fun from that warez-forum

"I'm grabbing the popcorn waiting for the backlash from actual buyers when they realize that only 5 scripted maps per campaign and 6 single player maps are included with no option for choosing factions, or that they need to invest a ridiculous amount of money in a new video card to play a tbs."


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Unread postby Romanov77 » 11 May 2006, 10:12

Wait....SIX MAPS???? 8|

Im starting to worry about my pre-order :disagree:
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Unread postby Linky » 11 May 2006, 10:21

Romanov77 wrote:Wait....SIX MAPS???? 8|

Im starting to worry about my pre-order :disagree:
Six single player *scenario* maps, like the ones you'd see in a campaign. In addition to that there are 10 "multiplayer" maps which you apparently can play single player with computer opponents as well.

Still, 6+10 seems a bit low in my opinion. I hope they release the map editor *very* soon after release.

I'm also concerned with the campaigns - five maps per campaign? And if they're all similar to the ones in the demo, without 'real' computer opponents at all, just scripted ones.

I'm still buying this though.

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Unread postby Romanov77 » 11 May 2006, 10:26

Typical russian efficiency....I should have known.

I studied it just a hour ago in my course of "Economy and Management of foreign enterprises"....

Well...I just hope that I will change idea, Im not going to cancel the pre-order.
Fabrice wont let the game be trash, I trust him.
However, if the solution is called "Buy the Expansion", then I envy that warez kiddies.
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Unread postby Arzang » 11 May 2006, 11:12

I like how he says that everything sucks since you can control the camera.

How the graphics is 3-4 years old, kinda on par with WC3. Wasn't WC3 outdated when it got released? That analogy seems a bit off.

and last time I checked H4 did NOT have a RMG.

lame review.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 May 2006, 11:20

And now I shall dazzle you all with my incredibly informative review of HoMMV:

Disclaimer: May contain sarcasm!
I have never faked a sarcasm in my entire life. - ???
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Unread postby dragonn » 11 May 2006, 11:28

For me it sounds like a beta review (or even alpha)...I don't know...

I'm still buying the game though...
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Unread postby innokenti » 11 May 2006, 11:46

Romanov77 wrote:Typical russian efficiency....I should have known.
Or not... Actually surprisingly unlike Nival. Ubi's hand?

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 May 2006, 13:31

Although I do agree that HV sucks,I also must say that this review sucks as well.


Oh come on.So youre saying that an average joe knows the value of a car he bought better than the thief that stole it from him?

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Unread postby Ethric » 11 May 2006, 13:44

The owner of the car probably knew and cared for the car better than the guy who stole it.

I'm prejudiced against the "I should get stuff for free here's my lame excuses"-people though, and this "review" confirms my belief ;)
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 11 May 2006, 13:51

I base my assumption of the reviewers intelligence strictly on the statement that the square grid only allows you to go four directions.

Last I checked, diagonals were valid . . . :)
Far too many people speak their minds without first verifying the quality of their source material.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 11 May 2006, 14:38

Ethric wrote:The owner of the car probably knew and cared for the car better than the guy who stole it.
Oh sure.Every single rich spoiled brat knows the true value of the car he asked his daddy to buy him :disagree:
Ethric wrote: I'm prejudiced against the "I should get stuff for free here's my lame excuses"-people though, and this "review" confirms my belief ;)
Actually in order to steal something and not get caught requires lots of inteligence and skill.Its those that get caught that are dumb.And just because this review is bad doesnt mean a thing.

Its the "I must do this because everyone does" people that are dumb.

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