MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Ghostblade » 09 Sep 2015, 14:29

The third Bow of Carnage, in Harmondale (for by the two in the castle), is near to Advisers house (South East Area), by the small lakes. (or it WAS...I nabbed it! lol) May have posted in wrong "original"...Ooops! :wall:

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby qtish » 06 Jul 2016, 19:13

So.... Im stuck, got a quest from Resurectra to get both pieces in Temple of Light/Dark. The problem is, every time I click enter Temple of the Dark, client crashes. Any thoughts?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Echo » 07 Jul 2016, 16:49

Are you playing with Maestro's modification?

If yes, it could be caused by the Liches' summoning ability added by it. I had an awful lot of crashes caused by that script (I modified the file to increase the spawns by a lot so it hit me way sooner than the temple).

Fix (n00b way, but I don't know a different one, sorry):
- go someplace else like the hall of the pit and save your game
- get MMArchive, open the file events.lod, get monsters.txt and delete all instances of "summon" in the furthest column to the right
- use MM7 save game editor to fast-forward the time in your save by a year or two (don't know how often the temple & the pit respawn), save
- load the edited savegame and it will be okay

If you're not using Maestro's version and it's not the cause of the crash then I'm sorry, you'll need to wait for someone else to help. Those were the only crashes I had.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby qtish » 07 Jul 2016, 19:18

seems like events.lod is encrypted, symbols not recognized.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Arret » 08 Jul 2016, 00:18

While I haven't had this exact problem, I have had crashes in the Pit a few times. What triggered it was the attacks and summoning of enemies, so to fix it I entered from Deyja and just ran through the whole place (including the Temple) invisible. If invisibility doesn't work then you probably will have to edit your saved game.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby qtish » 08 Jul 2016, 10:16

Can any1 spoil the part with coding wizard im stuck. After talking to a npc in Evermorn Island it sends me to Erathia to summer house, but its empty all the time. Spend whole summer camping it everyday at 6am.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Arret » 09 Jul 2016, 01:53

The way the game engine works means that time based events only trigger when you ENTER a zone. You should be able to see the npc (assuming the time is right) by entering the Castle or sewers and then re-entering Erathia.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby qtish » 09 Jul 2016, 10:44

So, if I understand it correctly, its the house with the old archomage chest reward. I speak to NPC in evenmorn island, he sends me to Erathia, after that im stuck.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Arret » 09 Jul 2016, 13:56

No, it's the house next to the Thrush's letter quest. It will be empty 100% of the time unless you are in summer at that part of the coding wizard quest.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby r4ptor » 22 Jan 2017, 20:30

Hi, I got stuck with second curriers guild quest. I am in Tatalia in Calindra's home but house is empty. I was in the wrong place or seeking the wrong person?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Anubis » 22 Jan 2017, 21:35

@ r4ptor
Courier Quest 1

Your first assignment takes you to Tatalia. When you arrive, seek out Taren. He will provide you with details of the delivery. Tatalia does have a Home Portal, in case you need to return here during your assignment.
I haven't played MM7Rev4 mod for a long time, but I did find this info elsewhere on the forums.

If this information didn't help you, here's a link to a post regarding all the Courier Quests. You can also scroll down a little bit to read the walkthrough regarding Courier Delivery missions. ... er#p258433

Hope this helps!
Last edited by Anubis on 22 Jan 2017, 21:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby r4ptor » 22 Jan 2017, 21:55

Thanks! It was my wrong. I have one problem more. Sometimes for example when i try read scroll of wonka, then game crashes with error invalid string in font.cpp file and missing text. Do you know some solution for this? Look like i dont have required texts.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Anubis » 23 Jan 2017, 05:03

@ r4ptor:
I've never even heard of that error, so I had to research that. It seems to be something related to DirectX. I'm not sure, but here's what I found, in case you're interested:

That first link is a thread where another user had the same problem as you. Some suggestions were given but I don't think the issue was ever resolved on his side.

However, I looked into the error some more and found this: ... _error_msg

The user there had a similar problem and got it resolved:
I was able to see that I have two icons in the MM7 folder.. one that launches the game and another called 'options'. When I clicked the 'options' icon I was able to deselect "Hardware Accelerated 3D" and Software select "3D"
P.S. If you didn't get MM7 from, try looking for a file called MM7Setup.exe or something along those lines in your MM7 folder and change from Hardware 3D to Software 3D from there.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby GrayFace » 24 Jan 2017, 16:53

r4ptor wrote:Thanks! It was my wrong. I have one problem more. Sometimes for example when i try read scroll of wonka, then game crashes with error invalid string in font.cpp file and missing text. Do you know some solution for this? Look like i dont have required texts.
Try with my patch and MMExtension. In it I made some text functions handle 0 string pointer.
Last edited by GrayFace on 24 Jan 2017, 16:55, edited 2 times in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby asterix15 » 10 Nov 2017, 10:56

MM7Rev4 mod is the best creation since MM7 original :)

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Lord Nanron » 07 Jun 2018, 00:26

Wow, it's been a long time since I have poste here!!

Great to be back.

Just a few years ago I started to play MM7 again. Have played it several times between 2014 and 2016. Then decided to stop for a while to make it fresh again.

So here I am in 2018 wanting to start playing again. It just seemed to be the same old thing as before.....but then.....I remembered Bid Daddy Jim's revisions!!!

Damn, this is great!!!

But I do have a question, if anyone is still around.

I just retrieved the Book of Unmaking, but it was hideously easy (not may creature to destroy). I know there are things behind the doors that I couldn't open. Do I get to go back and open the doors? I honestly can't remember.

Lord Nanron LOUM

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Anubis » 07 Jun 2018, 05:12

It's been a while since I played that mod but I'm 100% sure you're able to go back. I just don't recall when/how. I do know it's part of the main quest storyline.
Last edited by Anubis on 07 Jun 2018, 05:13, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby asterix15 » 24 Nov 2018, 07:57

Updated the initial post with correct download links.

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Unread postby vosined » 19 May 2019, 04:19

Hi guys. I can't clear the Harmondale castle. I've read all the topics regarding this issue:
Mn wrote:
gurthaur wrote:Greetings, I think I've found some kind of bug. In the Harmondale Castle, there are I cant see the stairs going up. I can sense the enemies from upstairs, I also see stairs on minimap as well, yet when I go to that location there is only a wall there?

edit: I figured it out-
It's told several times - it is first game question. S-W torch is of blue - click on it and you'l transforrm to the second floor for last enemies cleaning. From there return you must find such torch - it's the only.
I've been clicking this blue torch everywhere, tried to raise the camera, tried to jump and click the torch at the same time, was hitting the space bar all over this area, but nothing happened. What am I doing wrong? Where is the secret passage suppose to open?

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Re: MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

Unread postby Anubis » 21 May 2019, 00:02

You just have to click the blue torch (left-click it or use spacebar to interact -- Pretty sure you don't need to jump at all) and it should teleport you to the second floor.

Just out of curiousity, when you first started on Emerald Isle, did BDJ introduce himself to you regarding the mod or was it Margaret the Docent? if Margaret, you probably messed up in installing the mod. Has to be a clean vanilla install > then install MM7 mod > then install GrayFace's patch (make sure to follow the patch instructions such as unchecking a certain box if playing the MM7Rev4 mod)
Last edited by Anubis on 21 May 2019, 00:04, edited 1 time in total.

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