To finish MM6 in less than a week

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Unread postby tolich » 16 Mar 2012, 11:52

GrayFace wrote:
AndyNZ wrote:Fly scroll from side of Bank, Fly. Teleport to Dragonsand
You don't need to use the scroll to teleport to Dragonsand :)
It's to quicken paces, you know.

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Record time?

Unread postby Gallimar » 18 May 2012, 14:55

Yes ive known for ages that the game can be completed in 5 days if you focus on doing the main quest only. But seriously? that really feels like cheating the game for me, i would like to know the record time with ALL side quests completed and ALL little things ingame completed (get the flute etc..)
and full spellbook and good gear etc!
My record time for doing that is 20 days! I didnt use the fly scroll in the start or got the shrine (i did but i did it the honest and DANGEROUS way).
My party consists of either 3 sorcs and 1 cleric or 2 sorcs and 2 clerics (sharpmetal helps alot at endgame dungeons)

It really makes me sad to read about your "5 day record" when you used the bank scroll AND the shrine, +of the gods from the box behind the blue goblin <---that really dosnt count to me as a record...

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Re: Record time?

Unread postby Xiaoyazhi » 18 May 2012, 15:02

Gallimar wrote:Yes ive known for ages that the game can be completed in 5 days if you focus on doing the main quest only. But seriously? that really feels like cheating the game for me, i would like to know the record time with ALL side quests completed and ALL little things ingame completed (get the flute etc..)
and full spellbook and good gear etc!
My record time for doing that is 20 days! I didnt use the fly scroll in the start or got the shrine (i did but i did it the honest and DANGEROUS way).
My party consists of either 3 sorcs and 1 cleric or 2 sorcs and 2 clerics (sharpmetal helps alot at endgame dungeons)

It really makes me sad to read about your "5 day record" when you used the bank scroll AND the shrine, +of the gods from the box behind the blue goblin <---that really dosnt count to me as a record...
Very nice => I learned the game's ins and outs in this manner too, just not as fast as yours (40++ days). This is called a 100% quest / 100% item record, at least in some basic definition according to SpeedDemoArchives.

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Unread postby Gallimar » 18 May 2012, 15:24

ahh ty i didnt know that =)

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Unread postby Anubis » 09 Feb 2013, 14:45

So, just for the hell of it, I tried this out, and it's pretty hard to see how you could do this in five days unless you were super-duper freaking meticulous about it. The best I can get is six days. I mean, you start the game out at 9 AM, and you have to fix travel prices, grab the gatemasters, fly to castles to grab council quests, flying around in Free Haven for a bit, killing the devil leader, popping beacons, flying to Hermit to end winter, capture the Prince of Thieves, do Silver Helm Outpost, rushing to the end of Gharik's Forge, some other in-game stuff, AND grab the boat to Eel Infested Waters before 6PM. Mind you, walking to Mire of the Damned/Riding to Kriegspire/Boating to Eel Infested Waters doesn't reset your time to 9 AM of the next day. So technically, you're having to pull all that stuff off within 9 hours of in-game time lol.


So, yeah, I'd like to see an actual video run of someone pulling this off in five days...six days I can believe. Five days is just too insane and makes me want to pull my hair out.

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Unread postby Anubis » 09 Feb 2013, 17:56 - Apparently this guy did a walkthrough of his speedrun.

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Unread postby Anubis » 10 Feb 2013, 12:06

Heh, I couldn't even complete this speedrun. The Hive totally raped me. =(

Either way, I don't get how that AndyNZ guy pulled off a super-fast speed-run like that and managed to complete it @ 11PM on a Saturday >.<

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Unread postby Avonu » 11 Feb 2013, 10:05

I don't know how "fair" this run was (and I don't care if someone use exploits - it's his/her game, not mine) but there is a bug with scrolls in turn-based mode, when you can use them infinite times - just get your hand on Dragon's Breath and/or Meteor Shower scroll and problem are solved. :D

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Unread postby Ribannah » 12 Feb 2013, 13:22

No such bugs were exploited at Castle Gobs, nor were any of the goodies inside the NWC Dungeon used.

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Unread postby Avonu » 12 Feb 2013, 15:08

Thx for clarifications.

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Unread postby Flodarien » 13 Feb 2013, 01:04

Beside, patched versions of the game have this fixed.

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Re: To finish MM6 in less than a week

Unread postby Shawn0988 » 26 Apr 2016, 21:46

I know I am late to the party (by several years), but I came across this guide a few months ago and decided to give a 5-day game a try. Thanks AndyNZ for the post. I used your guide as a start, made a lot of modifications, got lots of practice running dungeons quickly, and was able to finish the game Saturday at 10:07 p.m. I would never have been able to figure this out on my own. When I first attempted the run, I could not even get to the boat in time to get to Eel Infested waters. Anyway, belated thanks.

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Re: Record time?

Unread postby Shawn0988 » 21 Sep 2016, 02:04

Gallimar wrote:Yes ive known for ages that the game can be completed in 5 days if you focus on doing the main quest only. But seriously? that really feels like cheating the game for me, i would like to know the record time with ALL side quests completed and ALL little things ingame completed (get the flute etc..)
and full spellbook and good gear etc!
My record time for doing that is 20 days! I didnt use the fly scroll in the start or got the shrine (i did but i did it the honest and DANGEROUS way).
My party consists of either 3 sorcs and 1 cleric or 2 sorcs and 2 clerics (sharpmetal helps alot at endgame dungeons)

It really makes me sad to read about your "5 day record" when you used the bank scroll AND the shrine, +of the gods from the box behind the blue goblin <---that really dosnt count to me as a record...
B.S. How did you do the Druid equinox quest in 20 days? You either did not do all the quests or you or cheated.

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Re: To finish MM6 in less than a week

Unread postby Gallimar » 03 Dec 2016, 05:49

The only quests i didnt do (or couldnt do) is the timed ones ofcourse... i thought i wouldnt have to mention that, but ah well =)

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