Ultimate MM7 party

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 02 Jan 2016, 23:21

4 x Wallace would be sick ;) but otoh all this waiting wouldbe too much for me.

And right, I have no S in my party so no enchanting :(

Btw, what would be better: on the same top-end weapon - "of infernos / thunderbolts" or "of darkness" ? - I just got cutlass with of darkness suffix.

And what about Repair? Should I get it to GM?

So Clanker and Zod- I have to bear these in mind!

Thanks guys!

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 02 Jan 2016, 23:45

Darkness for melee weapons, although the recovery time won't do anything because your main hand weapon will be much slower. Darkness on spears is great, not as important for swords.

Master repairs everything but Relics. When you have spare skill points go to level 10 and GM then you can go for it.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 02 Jan 2016, 23:55

Btw, is there a place with MM6 useful tips? Like the things u wish u knew when playing mm7 first time.

when im done with mm7 KKKC i will get mm6 from gog's and go for 4 x S part - the one i had when i was young ;)

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 02 Jan 2016, 23:56

And i have a war trident of darkness :) only one but who knows mayb some other nice drops...

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 03 Jan 2016, 00:20

I'm not aware of one, you could make a new thread for it. It's kind of outside the scope of this thread.

4xS? If you mean World of Xeen (MM4+MM5 combined game), you might as well start at MM3 which is where most people start the DOS games since it comes with the GOG set anyway. The graphics drop in MM1 and 2 is too much for all but the most dedicated.

http://www.gog.com/game/might_and_magic ... ed_edition

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 03 Jan 2016, 00:28

Oh, I bet you meant 4 x S "party" (SSSS). You really should have at least one healer in MM6. The dungeons are huge and the damage is high plus Clerics put out as much damage as Sorcerers because of Shrapmetal. I tend to run CCSS.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 03 Jan 2016, 00:44

Here's a little more about the artifact cap.


Last post on page 2 says Zod and Clanker's are 100%.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 03 Jan 2016, 07:34

Yeap - i will start a new thread then about mm6.

im glad ive discovered this forum as before it had always been TELP taverns for me only, lots of cool people there too!

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 03 Jan 2016, 12:51

Now I know all I need about artefacts in MM7 :)

Btw, have you found "raise dead" spell from Spirit useful?

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Arret » 03 Jan 2016, 20:17

No, if you have Preservation and GM protection from magic active you don't need to worry about it.

If you have a Cleric and still die you should consider reloading because you messed up more than once.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Anubis » 04 Jan 2016, 04:14

There's a way to speed up time in MM7 in order to get certain places to respawn (i.e. Clanker's Lab).

To advance a week: Enter a training center > Choose only one of your four party members and train them up one level > Leave > Repeat as needed
To advance a year: Kill a bunch of NPC's in a leader's respective town (not a castle) and then go visit that respective leader's castle. You'll be jailed for one year due to the crimes you've committed. I'm not sure if visiting Archibald in Gloaming will cause you to go to jail.

Kinda cheap though ... for me, anyway. :)

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 04 Jan 2016, 10:14

Ok - although I hit the artefacts / relics cap I can still get them from Clanker Lab - testing it atm and again all show up there in a chest :)

But Im not sure if I need anything atm, Wallace maybe but this is more of an obsession then necessity Im afraid.

Besides, I wander if the +armsmaster from wallace will stack with a bonus from gloves?

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 04 Jan 2016, 10:40

After 15 minutes i got Wallace and the bonuses stack :)

Body magic 1o Master + ring and regeneration is plain awesome!

Also spirit madter jus in case + ring. I do some fighting so it is ok for extra 18 points.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Mn » 05 Jan 2016, 07:42

Sorry, it's my second post, I tried many parties and changed any skills (not by editors).

I'm sure - there are only several skills to complete this very nice game.
1. Water - GM (I think everybody understand why)
2. Air - M (fly+invisibility)
3. Body - M(E) (regeneration and Prot. from Magic)
4. Spirit - E (...)
5. ?(alchemist skill to improve main stats with White potions) -M (all contest torches will be easy deside to give sk. pts)
6. Disarm - M(E) (...)
7-... Dagger E, Sword M, Light/Dark N ... - if You can two or more repeats in contests, it's seems impossible to gain them, but there are not critical.

I noticed only two hard battles - Tolberty/Robert and robots in Lincoln.
There are two simpiest decidions about Tolberty (Thievery or Dispel Magic every round) and one (imho) in Lincoln - temporary stats improvements and scrolls Divine Int. - there are at least two in Eofol. All other enemies (Begemots, Dragons, Titans, Diablos ...) are easy to complete cleaning with recharged Wands, Bows and Acid Burst spell.

I completed all games quests and finished the game with first level party: TCSS. I think this is one of the best groups.
Sorry of my English.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby Jacko » 05 Jan 2016, 21:50

I have never tried 1st level party.

But this I can say: KKKC is a real powerhouse.

I have Scholar and Gatemaster. Sometimes I miss fly and jump but hey there are shops so after several reloads I usually get what I need.

My first party KTAP pales in comparison with KKKC.

GM light is increadible. GM body saves a lot of time and frustration.

Disarm is not necessary (I multilooted +24 DIsarm ring, which is why). In the beginning 25 disarm is ok. Later Disarm useless.

Repair might be useful as without LB it is annoying when Armour or Weapon gets dmged in the middle of nowhere / in the heat of a battle.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby mirabilefuturum » 19 Dec 2016, 15:28

Jacko wrote:But this I can say: KKKC is a real powerhouse.
Currently, I'm playing KKKC to feel the power of pure melee party. I have finished the dwarven quests with 1st level party and now have 4 months to train. For sure, even at lvl1 it is a fun to play: under bless and heroism simple clubs with recovery 30 outperform any other available weapon. But thinking about endgame setup, I've realized that Paladin may be a better option than Knight.

Pally with 10 + 15 armsmaster, speed mod 10 and under Haste will have same 30 recovery (80-10-15-10-25 < 30)
The only difference will be damage bonuses: Knight will have +25 due to GM armsmaster doubling. Paladin will have +10 due to mace skill. The difference is 15. But for that we have chance to paralize (rather high chance i think). Paladin is a very good option, KKPC for sure and even up to PPPC.
Last edited by mirabilefuturum on 26 Dec 2016, 11:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ultimate MM7 party

Unread postby xelnod » 23 Jul 2024, 22:16

If you fish dragons or chests for the particular artifact, you might as well use a save editor, saving yourself time and getting the identical result

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