Two More Ranger Adventures

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby VAMPSVSZOUNDS » 12 Jun 2009, 11:07

Strategy for Pit fiends/Lords(only with Ressurection):Send only 35 Hunters+1 Emerald Dragon.Cast Ressurection on Hunters and E dragons and slowly kill them.

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby Abruzzi » 07 Apr 2010, 07:37

Maltz says "...if you learned Resurrection from Mission 1..." The Sylvan Town cant build more than a Mage Guild lvl 2, and there are no shrines giving lvl 5 Spells.

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 08 Oct 2011, 19:01

To anyone playing this map, make sure you have an extra creature slot available on your hero before taking over the first town. The programmers were too stupid to let you put the free Emerald Dragon in the empty garrison of the town you just conquered if you don't room in the army for it.

I had to replay an entire game week of the game just to avoid not losing any units to this stupidity.
Edited on Sat, Oct 08 2011, 15:02 by ShadowLiberal

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby ShadowLiberal » 02 Feb 2012, 01:25

Contrary to what the guide says, I found it easy enough to take the middle town first, and then the north east one. Just a warning though, you'll have to rush back to your starting town as soon as you take the middle one, as the enemies will finally have gotten a ship to invade your town with. You'll probably lose your ranger town for a few days, but you can hire all of that week's growth on another hero and have that hero flee to deliver reinforcements to Findan, so you can retake your town.

Once you take out that invading hero the toughest part of the mission is largely over, especially if you got resurrect in the previous mission.

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 07 Nov 2013, 22:30

1.6 Hard. I played without following the walkthrough. I came to a much different experience! I did use my crystal ball quite a bit. Lots of save and reload. My Findan is still pretty lame. He usually cast mass haste on his first turn and then slow or imbue arrow on his second. He really wasn't much help except for his Elven Luck.

I was headed for the Ultimate skill so I got Luck. Logistics and Light magic but I still don't have any very good Light magic spells! (Are there any besides resurrection? ) I got Sorcery from a witch hut and started with Attack. I've taken only 2 or 3 skills that don't fit the path to the ultimate.

I took a little over 6 months. The first time the red hero stole my boat I backed up and hired a hero whose main job was to summon and sit in the boat whenever Findan wasn't using it. Eventually I had two boats and two holders.

I met a red hero in the NW corner while exploring and defeated her and never saw another red hero until I invaded the NE island at the beginning of month 6. I took the SW city first. I recruited the first warlock that came along (Yrbeth) to lead a demon army. She learned dark magic since the mage's guild in the SW city already had Puppet Master and Frenzy. After taking the center Inferno City I built a huge demon army from the two cities for her to command. (It still wasn't as large as the army guarding the NE city when I got there but Puppet Master and Frenzy turned the tide easily.)

I'm not sure I could have won that battle with Findan no matter how long I took building his army. Yrbeth at level 18 was able to take out huge stacks (111 Arch Demons for example) with virtually no losses where Findan would have lost half his army on the same battle!

When Yrbeth took the last city (she was just required to decimate the defending troops so Findan could follow her in and meet a weak defense) I was given the victory even though Findan had only collected 16 dragons. There were two more stacks revealed but not yet collected that would have put him over 20.

So my strategy elements were, 1) never an unoccupied boat, 2) a warlock with dark magic built up to level 18 leading a demon army to soften up the last city defenses.

Good scenario, not just one solution!

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby Vandalized » 09 Jan 2014, 19:12

guys srsly....whats the alternative for this mission? I tryed followin instructions as I did on most of the missions be4 (great guides - 1love) but this 1 is different. I cant beat inferno NE top on 1st week....i just cant. Whats other option. thanks

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The Ranger - The Emerald Ones

Unread postby Bravehome » 29 Jun 2015, 03:06

A good build that avoids the need for Resurrection (this one much easier and won all Sylvan scenarios while on Hard) was by following the 3 eLves: Leadership, Luck and Logistics. Along with last option for Findan, Defense, avoided the need to use mana on Rez and spent it on useful things like Divine Strength, Slow, Weakness and Vulnerability (using Imbue Arrow in large battles). What with Archery, Protection, Soldier's Luck, Elven Luck, Pathfinding and Navigation, can use auto-avoidance to vastly reduce damage (thus reducing the potential need for Rezes anyway), while using Logistics and its Abilities to either catch the enemy or stay a step ahead. I tried the Rez path and it was just too mana intensive, when I wanted to use the mana to slow/weaken my opponent. Leadership on this map especially useful, since I got it on the first map and had it to 3nd level partway thru this map, obviating the penalty for having Inferno creatures in Findan's party. Happy Hunting!

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