MMX Q&A #1 Released

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MMX Q&A #1 Released

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2013, 19:04

We have released our first Q&A with the dev team of Might & Magic X: Legacy. The questions were:

What is the estimated release date?
Is there a multiplayer option and how will it work?
Will movement be tile based?
Will there be an online aspect of the game?
Can you arrange party formations?
Will the wizards have a magic book? How will learning of spells work?
How is this RPG different from "Dark Messiah"?

Have fun reading and please feel free to ask more questions! :)

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby hellegennes » 26 Mar 2013, 19:43

So, practically no DRM.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2013, 19:50

Yes, online activation is pretty much acceptable. I still remember not having a web connection to my gaming rig, but even then I could hook it up to a mobile broadband modem temporarily to upgrade the antivirus and such.
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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 26 Mar 2013, 20:00

It's still DRM, because it involves a single point of failure. Uplay goes down - say bye to all your games after reinstalling. It's not a completely cruel DRM, but it's still DRM.

As for the spell book question, it would have been faster to just answer "works just like in MM6-8" ;)

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby japol » 26 Mar 2013, 20:20

No,technically and practically there is DRM.

You cannot play without Uplay running in the backround.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby michiganjf » 26 Mar 2013, 20:43


Old school M&M FUN with souped-up graphics!!

This is going to be GREAT!

I do hope the skill sets are more akin to Heroes 3 & 5 than to Heroes 6... the H6 skill system was the most disappointing aspect of H6.

I also hope there is an extremely randomized weapons generator, with a HUGE variety of potential characteristics for each weapon generated... something like the weapon generator of Diablo 2, perhaps.
Edited on Tue, Mar 26 2013, 16:46 by michiganjf

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Unread postby Kristo » 26 Mar 2013, 20:46

Targeting the end of the year seems a bit aggressive to me. It wasn't that long ago that Limbic came onboard to work on Heroes. How do they expect to put together content on the scale of MM6 or 7 (those being the two MM games I've played) in such a short timeframe?
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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2013, 20:58

It will depend on the size of the game, I guess, and how much of the engine and resources they have to build from scratch. But yes, it is not a deadline set in stone, as we know things might happen.
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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby hellegennes » 26 Mar 2013, 21:02


Their ambition is not to have a content similar to MM6-8, it's to set a new milestone in the series and wait for the response. If MMX is successful, they will probably go for a bigger project.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Ryder » 26 Mar 2013, 21:04

Can I ask a question or two please?

Is there going to be a map editor? I'd like to remake Darkside.
Is there a fly spell like MM2 where you land on a certain square in say B2? Is the map like that? (A1-A4, B1-B4 etc etc).
Is there a Lloyds Beacon Spell?
Is there a Jump spell?
Is there a Time Distortion spell?
Why dont you have to visit a trainer to go up levels?
Is there going to be a DVD version for people who are allergic to downloading games?
Is there going to be a demo?
How many spells are there?
How many quests are there?
Is there an automap to see what squares you havent mapped yet?
Is there pathfinding and mountaineering skills?
Are there promotion quests for the classes?

That will do for now.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Fuddelbaerentatze » 26 Mar 2013, 21:32

Never played a M&M RPG. Will X be a Open World like Game or will it be a succession of Levels?

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Re: MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby GreatEmerald » 26 Mar 2013, 21:43

My only question would be "Will MMX bring back or tie in the original universe?", but I think I already know the answer.
Fuddelbaerentatze wrote:Never played a M&M RPG. Will X be a Open World like Game or will it be a succession of Levels?
MMs are completely open-world. As for MMX, who knows, but likely to be open-world as well.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2013, 22:11

@Ryder: I have asked some of those already. I will add your list to my list of things to ask in future sessions.
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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Ryder » 26 Mar 2013, 22:25


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Unread postby Ethric » 26 Mar 2013, 22:31

Limbic wrote:You need to raise your magic skills (aka. spell school) with skill points from level-ups. Then you have to find the right trainer to get access to a higher tier. Finally you need to locate the right person to buy new spells. Sounds complicated?
No, no it doesn't.
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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Kalah » 26 Mar 2013, 23:10

The DRM issue is definitely something we should hear more about.
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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby michiganjf » 26 Mar 2013, 23:35

I always liked the class specific promotion quests, but having to scrape for cash, then spend almost every dime on training was always far too much of a pain.

I'd welcome auto level bumps over trainers.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Nic-V » 27 Mar 2013, 00:09

Yeah Trainers is an old dusty mechanic that I see no need for the return of. There are things far more important at the very core game.

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MMX Q&A #1

Unread postby Ryder » 27 Mar 2013, 01:35

Are you guys for serious? Finding a trainer and paying for the privelege of levelling up has been part of the game since day dot. Dusty old mechanic? Isn't this the whole idea of MMX, to get back to this sort of thing. As for scraping for cash, if you dont have enough gold, you go out and find something to kill, a chest or sell something.

It doesnt bother me that it isnt there but I'd much prefer if it was. Old school.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 27 Mar 2013, 01:44

Indeed, and the older the school, the better!

. . . except for automaps. I like every possible indicator to be on my automap at all times. :)
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