The M&MX Fan Survey

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby Kalah » 29 Oct 2011, 11:58

There is a new survey out regarding the <i>Might and Magic X</i> project. Telling the makers what you like about the series will no doubt aid them in constructing a game inspired by the fans' wishes.

<center><a href="/">Take the survey here!</a>

<p><img src="/images/news/MMXlogo.jpg"></center>

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby Sikon » 29 Oct 2011, 12:57

I really don't think "Might and Magic X" is a good name for a fan project. It is, at the very least, misleading. Got me thinking Ubisoft announced an official MM10 when I wasn't looking.

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby Kalah » 29 Oct 2011, 13:31

Yes, if Ubi choose to announce MMX, the title to this should be changed a bit too, I agree. But the difference is clear, though; this fan-made project stays in the old world Ubi left behind. There should therefore be a connection - perhaps keeping the M&M in the title but removing the numeral.
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Unread postby jeff » 29 Oct 2011, 14:06

Actually I believe they said they would change it if UBI decided to make one. I think the name is safe. :mad:
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby MMXAlamar » 29 Oct 2011, 14:42

This is an official MM10 and follows the conventions of the old Universe. The story is based on the planned and unused information from NWC developers who worked on MM9 and HOMM4.

Ubisoft has had the opportunity for over 5 years to announce an MM10, yet they have made multiple new games of their own creations instead.

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Unread postby Kalah » 29 Oct 2011, 15:21

Calling it "official" would not be entirely correct if Ubi decided to make MMX themselves; they might go in a wrong/different direction, but they own the rights now. This fan-made version will be just that - fan-made. Entirely in coherence with the story from the old universe and certainly more true to the original series than what Ubi have made, by all means ... but still not official.

Looking forward to seeing what it will look like, I have to admit. Already my head is spinning with distribution plans (torrent?), separate discussion forums ... :D
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby Coldy » 29 Oct 2011, 17:32

Done the survey, good luck with the project guys.

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Unread postby Arret » 29 Oct 2011, 18:12

Completed the survey, tried to be as specific as possible in the textbox questions.

Good luck, let's hope this project actually gets finished unlike so many others.

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby theGryphon » 29 Oct 2011, 18:35

Well, uh, last time I checked "Might and Magic" is a Ubisoft TM. So, you cannot claim "official" status with this name. I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft took some legal action against the use of their TM'ed name.

Don't get me wrong, I fully support this project and I am eagerly looking forward to seeing it fruitful and successful. That's why I suggest a name change to save the project from future headache.
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby theGryphon » 29 Oct 2011, 18:38

Just call it "MMX". Everybody interested in the genre will get it, and Ubisoft wouldn't bother.
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Unread postby Variol » 30 Oct 2011, 00:39

..survey was fairly painless. I'm glad to be able to give my input.

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby legendoferthia » 30 Oct 2011, 06:08

I think MMX wiill be great! I don't think Ubisoft will say anything about it. MMX has been around for while and has gained quite a bit of fans. Ubisoft, IMO seems to be a company that accepts these kinds of projects. Just by allowing a fan based MMX is a plus for Ubisoft. If they allow the fans to create this, I know I would buy form them for letting the fans keep the old world alive. If Ubisoft lets MMX go through, they will earn a lot of respect. Unlike Square-enix and other companies who have halted these kind of projects for their own greed and selfish reasons. So far Ubisoft is one of the last companies I can trust.
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby theGryphon » 30 Oct 2011, 06:30

Oh I don't think Ubisoft will try to stop this project. It's not about the project but the naming. Ubisoft will try to protect their TM'ed name, possibly to make sure that "everybody" understands this is not their product and to make sure that when (if) they come up with the "official" Might and Magic X, it will be recognized immediately. Expecting anything else would be unreasonable. I hope the leaders of this project will see this...
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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 30 Oct 2011, 14:01

If I were running things at Ubi, I would send an official notice to the project to either:
(being mean): demand the Might and Magic name be removed
(being nice): demand a disclaimer be added saying that this is NOT an official M&M product, and that the name is being used with permission- but that permission may be removed at any time.

The reason is that if a company doesn't enforce their copyright, they risk losing it. The first is easier to do, but incurs bad will in the fan base. The latter takes a bit more work (to get the legalese right), but leaves no dispute to the owner of the name, and if they *DO* release a Might and Magic X of their own, their rights to the numbered-name is explicitly stated.
Even if they have decided to never make another M&M game, they should (from their standpoint) do it.
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Unread postby Variol » 30 Oct 2011, 19:07

What if it were called "Might be Magic X"!?!?!!? :D
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby hellegennes » 30 Oct 2011, 21:43

Well, they can easily change it to Might & Magic. As far as I know, Ubisoft has the trademark for "Might and Magic". Can an ampersand make such a difference? Yes, it certainly can. Of course, Ubisoft can always argue that the name resembles their trademark, but this requires a court order. The same can be said for "Might et Magic" (actually, the ampersand is a ligature for "et", from French).

A copyright holder can even sue anyone for using the likeness of its content, but all this requires complicated proof in a courtroom and it's difficult to argue for it, since it's rather easy to argue for the right of anyone to use something as broad as language, themes, archetypes or even similar stories.

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby Kalah » 30 Oct 2011, 22:15

I guess that the fans could suggest and vote on what to call this if/when Ubi decide to finally make M&M X. :D
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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby astral76minor » 30 Oct 2011, 23:06

I am all for it under one condition:

"The game must play with the mouse only."

If the keyboard is to be used, like the older ones, than screw it.

I would not mind if the keyboard was used for just a few commands (i.e., less than 90% of the time).

ULTIMATELY, the game could be played with a Playstation like control pad using the USB port. If they accomplish this, I will support the game entirely and bring in more customers.

I am not saying it should be a console only game, both the PC and the XBOX make the most sense with a control pad.

All of the Might and Magic RPG's required the keyboard arrows to move around.


Limit the keyboard use and switch to a USB control pad, so that people can REALLY ENJOY THE GAME.

It was the keyboard that always left people pissed off since they had to memorize over 10 different keyboard buttons IN THE DARK and still use the mouse at the same time. This takes the fun away from any game.


If the user interface consisted of pull-down menus for the mouse and everyday commands on the control pad then it would please many consumers. Might and Magic is a turn-based RPG, so there is no need to be quick. This sets it apart from all the teenager games for a very good reason.

I SUGGEST A CONTROL PAD AND A MOUSE WITH A Graphical User Interface. It would increase the total popularity for Might and Magic X and make the game ergonomically comfortable for everyone!
Edited on Sun, Oct 30 2011, 19:35 by astral76minor

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby hellegennes » 31 Oct 2011, 01:41

What you say about the keyboard makes no sense. No matter what input controller you use, the amount of functions you have to memorise does NOT change. Using the mouse to move around in a CRPG like MM, doesn't work all that well, for several reasons. This is a party RPG, so it makes absolutely no sense to move around with the mouse. You are playing too much FPS games. The combinations of a pad with the mouse makes even less sense.

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The M&MX Fan Survey

Unread postby legendoferthia » 31 Oct 2011, 02:13

Ubisoft would have said something by now. They must be aware of the project. It has been out for years and has a good fan base. I think MMX will be just fine!
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