Vampire Lord

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Unread postby Campaigner » 09 Oct 2005, 14:03

So goddamn cool!! I don't know how a "true" vampire looks like but who does? Seen anyone lately? :)

The HoMM III vampire belongs to the Nosferatu family while this one looks more noble warriorlike.

Anyway, I like the coat with its pointy things in the neck, the boots and especially the protections for the thinbones. The kneepads are grand. But absolutely best are the sword! So incredibly cool! YEAH!

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Unread postby shinyori » 10 Oct 2005, 14:54

Anime or not, this vampire looks very cool..

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Unread postby Dragon Angel » 10 Oct 2005, 17:05

"The HoMM III vampire belongs to the Nosferatu family while this one looks more noble warriorlike. " [Campaigner]

Yep, this one is a Ventrue or LaSombra for sure...
Don't be fooled by the title -- Dragons can disguise as peasants, too

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Unread postby Orfinn » 17 Oct 2005, 17:42

A really stylish,noble and cool vampire.

Great job Ubi! =)

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 06 Jan 2006, 15:30

Oops! You made threads out of this? It's actually a pretty cool idea if I think about it. ;)

But maybe from now on we can have the shot (at least a small version of it) in the first post.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 06 Jan 2006, 15:42

Mad Dog McKill wrote:Once again Nival's artists show their anime influence and very small amount of common sense..

Hello! This is HOMM.. not Final Fantasy..

How in the world did vampires acquire swords.. Aren't the teeth of the vampire, their real weapon?? Cmon..

And the hairstyle.. I feel it is exactly what someone else has said - a samurai-like hair..
No,its actually magic,charming and superhuman strenght.Some vampires prefer using their claws and teeth,and some prefer weapons.Theres no typical vampire,since they differ from person to person,from race to race.It would be quite silly if dwarven vampires and elven vampires used the same tactics.(hmmm...this brings back my argument about all undead being human)

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 06 Jan 2006, 15:51

Yes.HV has a lot of anime.But I dont mind,since some anime are actually really cool.But I do mind the toiled(WCIII)influence on the graphics.Although,that mixing of styles can be a good thing,I have my doubts about it.

Well,now that I come to think about it,I do mind the anime influence since it turned not so cool in here.I hate the angels look,and the vampires look,and the elven look,...There are plenty of us that complained about elven ears.Heresthe original thread.

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Vampire Lord

Unread postby Sandro123 » 16 Feb 2006, 14:32

though I really like the sword, I think it is useless since vamps are bloodsucking, e.g. they use their mouth. They are definately my favourite monsters.

But it is very, very good. No wonder they have a no retaliation attack, they are intimidating

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Unread postby K-Dog » 17 Mar 2006, 14:12

Why is everything so citsch?? Creatures in previous games were design to figt, not to wear "cool" nonsense armor and weapons.
I mean, the vampire f.e. has got nonsense large sword with neon-helium laser, I think he should have some weapon like dagger not an ultramegaturbosupersword with lasers and stupid decorations,vampire from H2 looked noble and the H3 one looked cool, but this one is really anime.

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Unread postby LordHoborgXVII » 20 Mar 2006, 02:37

"Aren't you a bit short for a vampire?" was my first thought. I never really imagined vampires to be short and chubby. I love the hair though, and the red colouring style. It's a nice change from the black and green we usually see, although green is better in the long run.

Personally I very much like the new angels, elves, and vampires, they are much more well-styled as opposed to those in the previous games, where it seems the artists were paid extra to make their designs look as vapid as possible. If there is anything I could dislike about the "warcraft" style is the overuse of simplistic shapes and jarring colours. Thankfully, we don't see very much of that here. The new style is very well designed with an emphasis on beauty over realism in mind. True, there will always be unfortunate-looking creatures, and even more unfortunate-looking hero portraits (though that seems to have always been a trademark of HoMM), but the shift in style is generally positive.

About vampires with swords, keep in mind that a vampire's primary advantage is its strength. They are much stronger than humans, allowing them to wield larger weapons and to rip soldiers apart like tissue papers. Biting an opponent, however, is much easier once you have injured or otherwise prevented them from defending themselves, which is best accomplished either with bare hands/claws or with human weapons, such as swords. So I really don't mind the fact that he's wielding a sword, especially since it is a remarkably well-imagined sword, except for the fac that it's pink.
Happy Millenium!

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Vampire Lord

Unread postby Cleanpea » 20 Mar 2006, 08:42

Yes! K-dog, you are right. The looks are stylish. And, perhaps, this is the way it looks best RIGHT NOW. But then styles change, and it looks "out of date." It's all about finding a look that will not be affected by change of styles. Either very unique, or NOT very unique. The artwork of H5 is lending to much from other styles, yet not defining their own. Like the charming graphics of it's predecessors did. Agree???

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