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Unread postby Negativland » 18 Mar 2009, 13:57

”Noooooooooo, you killed Khengi, you *******s!” bwhahahahaha, I laughed my ass off at that part :)))) Though I played this on easy I had to restart this a few times, the key is to be as aggressive as you can in the beginning. Orcs are not made to sit around waiting for another week of creatures, just throw in all you have! After I got all the castles and stopped Narxes and Jhora from returning again and again to jerk with me (was it just in my map when I killed them over 5 times each and they reappeared in the very same day in another castle, as long as they still had one left?), I could concentrate on a large army, for the sake of that Horde's anger. In my final battle Gotai's Horde's anger made almost 4k damage FOR FREE ! And I didn't conserve ;)

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Unread postby laharl » 04 Apr 2009, 22:24

First of all i would like to thank maltz for his fantastic walkthroughs for this game. They have been very helpful to me. I just wanted to mention that on this map the orange computer already dug up the tears of asha before i could :( I wanted to kill off red right away since their constant invasions was really annoying and so by the time i got gotai to the tear of asha area, the computer had already dug it up. Just thought it would be good to mention that to people so that they know it is a possibility.

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Unread postby VAMPSVSZOUNDS » 08 Jun 2009, 13:48

I could defeat the Shahibdiya army with just 2100 Steelgolems and 1 Castle week of growth of rest units.Actually the ballista@Horde's Anger took out the magi and titans.Dumb AI cast Frenzy on Sultans,which killed gremlins@gargoyles and they died from raksha.Then golems@raksha died from ballista@600 golems.Alaric made me restart.

Trying this again now.....

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Unread postby ant » 17 Jun 2009, 12:53

hmm.. as far as i know, you can sell artifacts in any town with a marketplace, not just academy towns. it's come in handy in many situations especially with orcs who have no use for tomes, wands, scrolls, spell boosters, etc.

great walkthrough as always maltz!!

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Unread postby F_I_X_E_R » 07 Sep 2009, 11:10

In this mission, I managed to complete the Dragon Set by luck! w00t! I just bought a few missing parts from the artifact merchant and boom! 8/8 pieces of the set! I got 1 untamed cyclops every day!

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Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 10 Sep 2009, 18:03

Great walkthrough, thank you!

I feel like I played an entirely different scenario. Very little trouble from the AI at any point. Even when I battled an AI hero that looked stronger, they tended to flee before I thought they should. The neutral stacks were quite challenging (playing on hard rather than heroic). One really strange thing that happened, I got an announcement that the red player had been defeated as Gotai approached the red city in week 1 of month 2. There was a red hero and a red city on the map at the time.

I didn't pursue the super ballista strategy, rather working toward absolute rage throughout the campaign. I got there at the memory mentor near Shahibdiya, shortly before the penultimate battle. At the end of that battle I got the last two pieces of the Dragon set but by the time I got them all together the scenario was nearly over.

Gotai reached level 31. I had a supporting hero reach level 29 chasing down neutral stacks guarding stuff that wasn't going to help Gotai and rounding up weak AI heroes out to annoy me. I never built a creature building in any of the non orc cities.

The battle for Shahibdiya took a scary turn when Galib succesfully cast puppet master on my cyclopes and blind on my centuars. My army was 92 bloodeyed cyclopes (I have real trouble keeping the untamed cyclopes from killing my own troops), 102 foul wyvern, 2 stacks of 125 cheiftans, 342 daughters of earth, 1369 nomad centaurs and 2042 goblin trappers. By the time Galib took control of my cyclopes the walls were down and the other troops were flooding inside. The cyclopes never got a turn under Galib's control.

The battle with Alaric was anti-climatic. I finished in week 3, month 5, but I did visit every stat boost with Gotai and defeat every neutral stack and all special buildings. Well, except the sawmill near Shahibdiya, I think I might have needed to use instant travel to get to that one.

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Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 12 Sep 2009, 20:02

Great walkthrough, thank you!

I feel like I played an entirely different scenario. Very little trouble from the AI at any point. Even when I battled an AI hero that looked stronger, they tended to flee before I thought they should. The neutral stacks were quite challenging (playing on hard rather than heroic). One really strange thing that happened, I got an announcement that the red player had been defeated as Gotai approached the red city in week 1 of month 2. There was a red hero and a red city on the map at the time.

I didn't pursue the super ballista strategy, rather working toward absolute rage throughout the campaign. I got there at the memory mentor near Shahibdiya, shortly before the penultimate battle. At the end of that battle I got the last two pieces of the Dragon set but by the time I got them all together the scenario was nearly over.

Gotai reached level 31. I had a supporting hero reach level 29 chasing down neutral stacks guarding stuff that wasn't going to help Gotai and rounding up weak AI heroes out to annoy me. I never built a creature building in any of the non orc cities.

The battle for Shahibdiya took a scary turn when Galib succesfully cast puppet master on my cyclopes and blind on my centuars. My army was 92 bloodeyed cyclopes (I have real trouble keeping the untamed cyclopes from killing my own troops), 102 foul wyvern, 2 stacks of 125 cheiftans, 342 daughters of earth, 1369 nomad centaurs and 2042 goblin trappers. By the time Galib took control of my cyclopes the walls were down and the other troops were flooding inside. The cyclopes never got a turn under Galib's control.

The battle with Alaric was anti-climatic. I finished in week 3, month 5, but I did visit every stat boost with Gotai and defeat every neutral stack and all special buildings. Well, except the sawmill near Shahibdiya, I think I might have needed to use instant travel to get to that one.

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Unread postby cjlee » 23 Oct 2009, 16:16

I played this on hard. Final battle against Alaric I used Maltz's strategy to the extreme.

Had a total of 1 casualty, self-inflicted (thanks to Gotai joining in the whipping fun)

Fortuntately at level 32 had plenty of blood rage to absorb damage. 6 whippings from Chieftains and 1 Gotai whipping and only 1 dead cyclop!

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Unread postby andy0682 » 31 Oct 2009, 06:08

Thank you for a very detailed and helpful walkthrough, appreciated it maltz. I just wanna point out an alternative way to go in the beginning. I started off the mission like you said, headed toward teal's town, and used only stacks of 1xgoblin to deal w/ the undead neut stack. And damn, i got owned even w/ the triple-flaming balista, because of the annoying spectres, my balista miss 2/3 shots very often on them so they got my troops first. So, i thought maybe i could deploy the 2xcyclops instead, and u guessed it, they tanked through it. I also use that same strat on some strong ranged neuts (e.g: the sucubus guarding a crystal mine), worked wonderfully. Chieftains+Cyclops = very powerful & interesting. Never thought of it :D

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Unread postby Maciek » 14 Nov 2009, 18:42

7x1 goblins not enough? make it 7x2 + last stand under defense!

or maybe 4x2 wyverns?

Talking about an aggresive approach: it is possible to own 5 towns at the end of week one(full logistics tree, and on heroic) with Gotai doing all the job. I guess you could get more if you let your secondary heroes capture some towns. Ballista + 7x2 wyverns worked quite well vs town H in week 4 as well(I was dalayed by the need of some artifacts(got staff of the netherworld, bought ring of speed, and most likely picked up and bought some more items), but that was quite a strange battle. I sacrificed 2 stacks and tent (lined them up - the only loss here) to rescue my ballista and catapult from those mages. Constantly scareing gremlins (fear my roar cost was 0!; mages were boxed in, so it didn't work vs them) so that melee units didn't move at all. Then, my ballista was attacking the best protected stack(and skipping clones) to were down its arcane armour(and usually, a stack with arcane armour already had deflect missle on!) to keep enemy hero busy(recasting) before he ran out of mana(wizard!; and he did have chain lighting and curse of the netherworld! - that would've hurt). Needless to say, wyverns just kept waiting after the initial moving phase.

THE ballista, + 7x2 spectres this time, also took care of Alaric on day 1, week 1, month 2(tried to catch him month 1, but failed). Tried this battle with vamp lords instead of spectres - no way. It might've worked if I had like 120+ attack instead of 60+.

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Unread postby Vampirlord17 » 26 Nov 2009, 01:17

hahaha xD I actually could buy QUROQ at the Tavern looooooooooool hows that possible? hehe, looks like Quroq will be avenging himself gahaha xD

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Unread postby Maciek » 27 Nov 2009, 21:00

Yeah, quite funny... don't forget to mentor Quroq with Gotai. Then also Gotai will be his own mentor's mentor. Wonder what will Khengi(a major character! he's helping Gotai since the beggining!) do after Alaric kills him? Be raised by some necro as an undead goblin and steal Alaric's head? I guess you can't hire Ornella or Giovanni from your tavern, can you?

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Unread postby Vampirlord17 » 28 Nov 2009, 14:36

what? Oo i cant, ive restarted the mission twice, and all 2 times quroq was in the tavern, with a few skills, but lvl 1, and he served me in this mission well, till alaric came while gotai was faaaaaaaaaaar away, than poor quroq was killed by alaric again xD i am not joking about this one hahah***

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Unread postby jadw » 02 Jan 2010, 19:16

I spent weeks trying to complete this mission. I used to beat Teal with no problem, but going for town (B) first, Orange and Red trapped me around my town threatening to take it if I moved away.

After reading this walkthrough, I went back to mission 3 to get ballista + flaming arrows and took Blue and Red within 2 weeks. In the end I recruited Haggash (because he powers up the centaurs) and used 4 stacks of 70+ chietains, 80+ cyclops, some shamans (to use haste on cyclops) and 900+ centaurs. Tho the wizard hero never used frenzy or puppet master on me. He tended to use Mass slow and Suffering.

Alaric was easier and I used haggash for him too, wiping everything out with cyclops and centaurs.

I didn't notice caravans blocking Shahibdiya though. Instead I used a levelled up scout hero to trap any annoying orange heroes in. Too bad Orange weren't smart enough to use the hero inside the base to clear away my 2nd hero.

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Unread postby TeeMan » 18 Jan 2010, 15:50

The middle town took and built the Tear of Asha -.-

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Unread postby Dstr » 23 Aug 2010, 09:08

on heroic, I took my way into the 2nd barbarian town and then went to take care of red. the red ran away and took the teal town... I went after him and after taking in the way the D town I finished also the red player.

Then I digged for the tear of asha and build it in the b town (i said it would be better as it was more central - big mistake as maltz pointed out). I lost almost all my barbarian army in the final town battle :(.

But still having not bought any of the 26 Titans :D and still having about 40 cyclops. :D easy fighting Alaric then... I didnt know about the + stacks of chiefs either ;).

nice mission but i wouldnt give it a 4/5 diff. index... even on heroic... more like 2/5.

Good luck guys, I'm beginning to like Heroes V!!!

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Unread postby gsandro1 » 01 Oct 2010, 21:43

Thanks again for this walk-through maltz I enjoyed it a lot. With my starting army plus few weeks reinforcements after Teal and Read town went straight for Town D and there using a two way portal I also took another orange Town G

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Unread postby Radwar99 » 08 Jan 2011, 04:28

The stacks of 60 orc chieftans & untamed cyclops strategy is way overpowered. :)

Personally I reserved a space for my sky daughters to haste my cyclops (which has greater effect imo) and used slow if she had the opportunity which was rarely, the fight would be over by then. Seriously, whether it's neutral stacks of 120 titans or the 2 final battles, I'd beat the crap out of them in less than 5 minutes without losing more than 1-2 cyclops. The enemy or hero hardly had the chance to even get a move.

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Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby chariotson » 17 Feb 2011, 18:21

Thanks for the walkthrough, I've been using your site to help me get through on heroic. Bought the game for $10 at Staples a few weeks back, I've been playing the series for 10+ years now.

I started playing without the guide, and Teal came to visit with a large stack just as I got the neutral town. I read the start of your guide and restarted.

This time I went straight for Teal and met him out of the town and took him down easily. The middle of the game was quite easy with no visits from orange or red until much later. I took the middle orange town, and then red. Gathered my forces and headed across the bridge and took out the next middle orange town.

Now I chose to go west and just got to that town as and orange hero appeared in the east. I scrambled and bought everything I could to defend that orange town with a new level 1 hero. The susequent battle was monumental with the level ~20 hero trying to blast my level 1 hero. I was able to win with just a few troops left, and boosted my hero up 10 levels or so and he got the flaming triple balista which I would use later.

Now I gathered forces, picked up the artifacts and went into the last orange town battle. This proved tougher than I expected and even with 5 or 6 cheiftain stacks, I could not stop him puppet mastering my cyclops. Eventually I played it through my cyclops knocking out 3 stacks before he turned sides, then found my centaur mastered too. Which just left me chieftain stacks to fight on. Orange managed to kill all of my cyclops, and then cast Frenzy on the puppet centaur who proceeded to kill his own stack of golem. I was then able to kill off the last orange before they had another attack so got out of it alive.

Then the red appeared and attacked my town in the north. I had my hero from the previous battle with some good stacks waiting for him, and was able to give him serious damage. I then got Gotai up to fight the last battle using a real mix of Titans and things, and won that last fight with only two weakened stacks left.

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Tribes of the East → To Honor our Fathers → Hunting the Hunter

Unread postby Nautilus » 08 May 2011, 23:48

Tear of Asha, I've accidentally dug the area where you say tear can be found and found NOTHING. Do i have to open up the puzzle map fully? BTW, Im playing on version 3.1.

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