Selecting Mage Guild spells in Heroes V

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Dragon Angel
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Selecting Mage Guild spells in Heroes V

Unread postby Dragon Angel » 05 Sep 2009, 09:37


It is a long time I do not come around here, but I gess you can help me with this little question:

I am finishing a multiplayer map for HV, in which I want to limit the spells that can appear in each town mage guild to a subset of all available spells. I was confident this would be a "standard" feature (iirc, in HeroesIV it was), but I am not able to do it any way:
- I can not find a way to do it in the Town Properties dialog, and I have been playing around with the "spellIDs" entry in the Town Propierties list, but I can't get any effect.

¿Maybe this option is limited because of being a multiplayer map? ¿or is it not possible anywa to do it? ¿I am missing something?

I would welcome any suggestion or help you could provide.

Thanks a lot.

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Grumpy Old Wizard
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 06 Sep 2009, 03:05

Assuming you want to do this on a mapwide scale, click on "View" on the toolbar --> Map Properties --> Spells and then make sure the spells you want to allow are checked and the ones you don't want to allow are unchecked.

You can do the same for artifacts in case you want to disallow some artifacts.


Oh, assuming you want the possible spell list to be different for each town:

Did you try deleting the spell IDs that you don't want to allow in the town properties for the town? Right click on Spell_Haste and click delete for example. Back up your map before you try that though. I haven't done that for spells in a town but it should work. If it doesn't you can go to your backup copy or do a right click on Spell IDs and chose Add and cange the added spell to the one you deleted.
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Unread postby Dragon Angel » 06 Sep 2009, 08:49

I tried,

I have made some more tests, just in case, and to provide more information, results are the following:

Deleting Spells from the SpellID list --> nothing seems to happen: spells still appear in the mague guild, heroes learn them, heroes can use them in the town.
Deleting All the SpellID list --> same situation.
Deleting All the SpellID list and adding only the necessary spells to fill the mage guild --> same situation.

Seting spells in SpellID list to "SPELL_NONE"--> nothing seems to happen: spells still appear in the mague guild, and heroes can learn them.

Deleting spells in a Single Player map --> no effect either...

So I am inclined to guess now the in-town spell management is not working. ¿Didn't anyone try to do it earlier?

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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 06 Sep 2009, 19:42

Hmmmm. Since that didn't work the town is only looking at the mapwide spell list to see what to put in the guild. Looking in the editor I don't see another way to do it but maybe somebody else can come up with something.

Barring that you could disallow everything but a level 1 mage guild and set up quest huts that would teach a range of spells. Although that would be tricky since for example a wizard needs spells to fight with but if give him access to the spells too quickly he'll be able to rush his opponent. You would have to allow the level 1 mage guild though because some buildings are dependant on that being built.

Or instead of different quest huts I guess you could set up a spell store where the player had to pay resources to buy a spell based on the spell's levell. Just look at the resource costs for each level of mage guild and charge accordingly. So you would have a different spell store with a different random spell list for each player. That would take a bit of work.
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Unread postby Dragon Angel » 07 Sep 2009, 20:37

Thanks a lot for the ideas Grumpy, but I think I would let the things as they are. It is a pity, but it does not influence the overall game setup.

It was more a flavour thing than anything else: the map pits sorcerors of a cold muntain vs sorcerors in a fiery cave, and it would have been nice to limit the selection of air/cold and earth/fire spells to each group, but if this is not possible, we can live without it.

Anyway, I will save your ideas in case I have a map were I want to really limit the spells, and I will keep a ear on this topic, just in case someone comes up with a way to manage this.

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spells in towns

Unread postby Sarvi » 10 Oct 2009, 02:32

I struck this same problem some years ago and believe its a game bug that has never been fixed. You just cannot set spells in town mage guilds.
I sometimes got around this bug by limiting the mage guild building level in the town, or by giving a garrison hero a Tome of Magic in the spells I wanted him to use. Selecting the available spells in the overall map properties works fine, thank goodness.
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