Playtesters needed for Otter's 1st MM6 mod Release.....

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby GrayFace » 16 Apr 2009, 06:21

In new version of my patch Knights would be better. Having a sword in the second hand wouldn't increase recovery time. Until then there's no sence in wielding a second weapon as the character becomes two times slower.
jeff wrote:I am not dead set against adding it, but the whole skill system would have to be modified along the lines of mm7/8.
I don't think so. The Knight class doesn't have much limits in skills in MM7. The only limited fighting skill that may be useful is Bow. Other useful fighting skills can be learned at Grand level.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Unread postby Variol » 16 Apr 2009, 11:39

jeff wrote:
motter28218 wrote:
Variol wrote:I would also be very nice to be able to select all 4 starting skills, instead of 2 and having the other 2 fixed.
I'm working on that.
My only question about that is, aren't certain skills required for certain classes. I suppose as along as all of the choices are skills needed by that class giving choices for all spots would be a good thing.
The thing is jeff, that the Knight starts with the leather skill. Tell that's not completely useless! So, there's a slot wasted. He should be given plate to start, or just let the player pick all 4.
All the mages get "Air" to start. When I have a 4 mage party, I let one specialize in each class; again, another slot/skill wasted.

I would really recommend changing the look of most, if not all items. I started the game and was met with the same inventory as always. They don't even have to be more powerful, although they should be a little more so, since you say the game is harder.
I was immediately bored and stopped playing. I need eye candy to keep me interested. The harder battles are fine, but I would try to change most, or all the quests as well.

I would also like to see the ability for any class to be able to learn anything. HOWEVER, the cost would be a lose of slots to other primary skills. So, you can have a mage with plate, but the sacrifice would be 1 or 2 spell skills.

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Unread postby motter28218 » 16 Apr 2009, 13:08

Variol wrote:
I would really recommend changing the look of most, if not all items. I started the game and was met with the same inventory as always. They don't even have to be more powerful, although they should be a little more so, since you say the game is harder.
I was immediately bored and stopped playing. I need eye candy to keep me interested. The harder battles are fine, but I would try to change most, or all the quests as well.

I would also like to see the ability for any class to be able to learn anything. HOWEVER, the cost would be a lose of slots to other primary skills. So, you can have a mage with plate, but the sacrifice would be 1 or 2 spell skills.
I think BDJ's mod would be more to your liking, re-writing every quest would take a long time, not to say I couldn't just I like the basic game of MM6, my main "vision" was to make more balance with monsters ie why are Liches so tough, Mages are total wimps, Goblins are tough playable characters in MM7 so why are they so weak as enemy's, then get rid of all Non-Medieval European mythological elements of the game (like Minotaurs/Genies, etc) and make use of all the things that were included in the game but not uesd, like many quest items, characters things like that. So although there will be ALOT more to do in final release, a big portion of the orignal game with still be left intact.

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Unread postby Variol » 16 Apr 2009, 13:56

I do speak out of ignorance, since I have no clue how to do that. I will carry on with my 4 Archers and see how they fair...

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Unread postby motter28218 » 16 Apr 2009, 16:55

Variol wrote:Understood,
I do speak out of ignorance, since I have no clue how to do that. I will carry on with my 4 Archers and see how they fair...
Oh, hey I appreciate your suggestions, I have my idea but don't think I'm "set in stone", any new ideas I consider, but don't misunderstand either this mod will offer lots of new stuff besides just a few monster stats being switched around. I don't want to give everything away but just a few things:

New Class system
3 "Might" Classes - Barbarian, Knight, Archer.
3 "Magic" Classes - Sorcerer, Druid, Cleric. No change there except for one thing with weapons see below, might do something with Druid, not sure yet.

Not sure if I'll be able to accomplish this yet still doing experiments but one way to achieve balance in the game is I plant to amke new weapons system

Heavy Weapons like 2handed Axes will deal massive damage, but will only be available to Barbarian Class

Medium Weapons - Available to mostly to Knights, but some to Barbarians/Archers, Knight Archers will be much faster (Archer being the fastest and only class that use Dagger with it's Triple Damage effect)

All Spell casters will be forbidden weapons except the new Staff will act like a wand with infinite charges, leveling up in the Staff with be like casting the wands spell at that level/rank, so if you have a staff that fires Lightning Blolt for example, and your staff skill is at level 10 master it will be just like casting Lightning Bolt and Level 10 Master in Air Magic, obviously for this reason High ranking spells like Shrpmetal etc will not be available with staff skill, the wands wih limited charges will still be available but such high spells with infinite charges would be to easy.

Anyhow, that's just some of the new things I have planned, if I can get it to work, so hopefully there will be some fun new things for you to enjoy.

Alos, there are going to be alot of new quests, the evil quest line will add several, the circus will now give out quests, the flut will be used, also many other items in the game that for one reason or another never made it into the story, backpacks, things like that.

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Unread postby Variol » 16 Apr 2009, 17:36

I think the weapon ideas sound excellent!

It would be nice to have staves with static charge, or something like that, in them instead of fighting with them.

Edit: oh, and is it possible to change it, so that if you are poisoned and drink a cure poison potion, that you don't loose a bunch of hit points from doing so?
That's just dumb to me.

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Unread postby jeff » 17 Apr 2009, 00:31

GrayFace wrote:
jeff wrote:I am not dead set against adding it, but the whole skill system would have to be modified along the lines of mm7/8.
I don't think so. The Knight class doesn't have much limits in skills in MM7. The only limited fighting skill that may be useful is Bow. Other useful fighting skills can be learned at Grand level.
Ok you play a different mm7 than I have. As best as I can remember in mm7 knights can only learn to the gm level sword, spear, plate and shield and learning shield is pointless if you want to use two swords. At the master level you can add axe, mace, leather and chain. Expert level for staff, dagger, bow, unarmed and dodge. Seems to me several of those may be useful. In mm6 no weapon or armor is limited and can be learned to the highest available level which was master level. Again if someone wants to modify the skill systm fine, but I still reject the assumption that any party regardless of makeup should have an equal chance at success, but that's me and I could not modify the skill system in any case.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby MadMax » 17 Apr 2009, 09:08

motter28218 wrote:
UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Sorry, but I'm not replaying any version of MM6 ever again until the Knight/Paladin/Archer classes get something to make them better offensively (Armsmaster from MM7/MM8)
I've seen this posted before, it is a good idea, but I think people have to understand the limits of what can and can't be modded, atleast by someone like me who's just some guy messing around with this in his spare time. Some things in the game are very simple to mod, no joke easy as just opening up a .txt file with notepad and changing what you see, other's take quite a programming background and even then the work involved would discourage alot of programmer's.

Just to let you know tho I did/am doing something to make the Knight into a new class that will be much more useful, I have modded Paladins to be the new Knights, also Archers to be more melee and no Spells, so in my mod the hybrids are gone, there literally are 3 unique Might Classes, 3 unique Spell Casters. Only problem is I had to mod the .exe file to do it and I'm not sure if I can publicly post it without getting into some kind of copyright issues. Maybe I can just make a patch to get around it, I have to make sure, but if I can you will see you will definitely want my new warrior class in your party, especially early in the game.
Don't worry about copyright issues, I believe that they cannot charge you for anything unless you have something uploaded and they tell you to please take it down and then you wont. Atleast thats what the admins of a game I used to play told me (And they had stolen pics from like H5 and stuff)

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Unread postby Sure Valla » 17 Apr 2009, 11:46

Barbarian sounds great!

Any more classes?

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Unread postby Variol » 17 Apr 2009, 17:39

I don't see any difference in the game at all. I thought it was supposed to be more difficult. I have killed everything in NS and Ironfist seems the same also.

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Unread postby kognefaure » 17 Apr 2009, 19:07

motter28218 wrote:
kognefaure wrote:Indeed, it's really harder. I Had to abuse of AI glitches to get rid of goblins :D

You said the mages gave as much experience and gold as Genies, but they don't! They indeed cast Genies' magics and fly around, however give normal exp. and about 8-12 gold. Goblins do give about 500 gold though, and much more experience than usual.

Thanks for that mod. Looking forward to follow the evil quest line
Are you sure? I jsut checked the chart, says 1st level mage is giving out 1,419 - 2nd leve 2,376 - 3rd level 3,575, as for the gold, Genies never gave out consistent gold, they just had about a 30% chance (depending on your perception level) of giving a high level item, I kept that feature yet also made them pay out some gold all the time.


Ah, I thought that genies always dropped hundreds of gold in addition to the random item. I just played again, I'm not sure how to check precisely about experience but I guess I was wrong there too. Now about the "high level item" - I just got 3 basic staffs out of approximately 40 mages, lol

That concept about non-hybrid classes is awesome! I hope you will be able to implement it.

Variol: uhh, really? I think you haven't got the mod installed properly. The differences are really noticeable: Mages fly and have same sounds as Genies', and you can't face two goblins without rushing to the nearest temple at level 1 in NS. Plus in Ironfist, all Lizardmen and Baa priests have been replaced with Thugs and Thieves.

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Unread postby Variol » 17 Apr 2009, 19:45

It sounds like you're right. I have not encountered anything out of the ordinary in Ironfist.

I will run the download again. Do I have to start a new game as well?

Edit: I downloaded the file again and started a new party. I went straight to Ironfist and I still see the Baa priests. They are not moving correctly anymore though. They just slide instead of walk.

Am I supposed to do something with the individual file link, or do I just need the 60mb file? I ran it over my MM6 directory and said "yes" to all.

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Unread postby zalunaya » 18 Apr 2009, 02:10

This may sound like a silly suggestion, but try dragging the new folder(If it's titled Might andMagic 6, which I'm guessing it is) onto your 3DO folder(if you didn't do that last time). I don't know if it'll work(I have not yet installed this mod, am currently on Qusari's Wiz8 mod) but it seems like it may work, since I had a similar problem with a Morrowind mod.

If it's titled otherwise, ignore this it's a silly suggestion since I'm lacking sleep at the moment :P

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Unread postby Herry Hardfoot » 18 Apr 2009, 08:57

I copied the individual files into the correct folders--the lod file into the data folder, the sound file into the sound folder, etc. Everything worked correctly as far as I can tell.

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Unread postby Variol » 18 Apr 2009, 09:31

zalunaya wrote:This may sound like a silly suggestion, but try dragging the new folder(If it's titled Might andMagic 6, which I'm guessing it is) onto your 3DO folder(if you didn't do that last time). I don't know if it'll work(I have not yet installed this mod, am currently on Qusari's Wiz8 mod) but it seems like it may work, since I had a similar problem with a Morrowind mod.

If it's titled otherwise, ignore this it's a silly suggestion since I'm lacking sleep at the moment :P
Uhh, excuse me;
You can't come here and tell people you're playing "Qusari's Wiz8 mod" and "not" give us the link for the download!

Were are your manners!!! ;)

Please, post it here, or PM it to me, if you prefer. I'm leaving for Cancun this morning, so I'll get it when I return.

Thanks in advance!

Now, where do I find the files that I unpacked? Or, should I unpack them to a temp directory, and then copy them to the current files?

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Unread postby motter28218 » 18 Apr 2009, 16:53

Variol wrote:OH!?
It sounds like you're right. I have not encountered anything out of the ordinary in Ironfist.

I will run the download again. Do I have to start a new game as well?

Edit: I downloaded the file again and started a new party. I went straight to Ironfist and I still see the Baa priests. They are not moving correctly anymore though. They just slide instead of walk.

Am I supposed to do something with the individual file link, or do I just need the 60mb file? I ran it over my MM6 directory and said "yes" to all.
Don't know if you've tried this but here's what I would do, go to your MM6 directory on your hard drive. Open Data folder, Delete new.lod. Next go to Saves folder delete all of them, or cut and paste them somehwere else if it's a savegame you want to keep for later, after all that is done, download my files, copy them over your installed files, start a new game and all my modifications should be there, if not let me know and we can try and figure it out.


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Unread postby GrayFace » 18 Apr 2009, 17:58

jeff wrote:Ok you play a different mm7 than I have. As best as I can remember in mm7 knights can only learn to the gm level sword, spear, plate and shield and learning shield is pointless if you want to use two swords.
That's it. Sword, Spear and Plate are only fighting skills a Knight needs. Maybe dagger would be good sometimes, but when your Armsmaster is big enough, it's best to stick with Sword and Spear anyway. So, taking Dagger to high level isn't very useful.
Really useful skills Knight loses are Learning and Identify.
jeff wrote:Again if someone wants to modify the skill systm fine, but I still reject the assumption that any party regardless of makeup should have an equal chance at success, but that's me and I could not modify the skill system in any case.
Sure, that assumption is wrong. Not to mention it's simply impossible due to huge advantage one Hour Of Power caster gives to melee fighting team. So, KKKS or KKKC is always better than KKKK.
But all classes should have equal chance to be a part of someone's best party.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Unread postby jeff » 18 Apr 2009, 18:47

GrayFace wrote: That's it. Sword, Spear and Plate are only fighting skills a Knight needs.
Agreed, so armsmaster is not needed and would only unbalance the game.
GrayFace wrote: But all classes should have equal chance to be a part of someone's best party.
Why???? Sure you should be able to us all classes, but why would you assume any class would be part of a best party. A knight is just a knight, I don't use them not because they are weak, but I want all members to be able to cast a spell, my preference only and I wouldn't force it on anyone. Your best party my walk through the game yawning. While your most fun party may barely survive the experience. Boosting a class so it can be party of the first group, because some people can't stand the second type of party is ridiculous. We are hijacking the thread and I apologize to Matt for that. Post a rebuttal if you wish, but I have said all I will here.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby GrayFace » 19 Apr 2009, 14:59

jeff wrote:
GrayFace wrote: That's it. Sword, Spear and Plate are only fighting skills a Knight needs.
Agreed, so armsmaster is not needed and would only unbalance the game.
Lol, I meant the skills from MM6.
jeff wrote:
GrayFace wrote: But all classes should have equal chance to be a part of someone's best party.
Because that is balance. A part of balance. More precisely, we should consider solo games too. But knights are probably weak in solo too. Balance of classes is not really important in such a game as Might and Magic, but if you talk about balance it is ridiculous to deny that classes are unbalanced now.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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Unread postby motter28218 » 21 Apr 2009, 19:19

GrayFace wrote: But all classes should have equal chance to be a part of someone's best party.
That is my hope with this mod. Reason for needing "Might" Classes:

All Spellcasters, tho able to weild powerful spells will be forbidden any armour skill BUT!!!!! before you go WTF, you have to understand I have re-designed the armor setup. Most what used to be leather armor suits have just been changed to Misc so any class can wear them and say you wear Imperial Leather which gives 24 armor by default, you will still get that 24 armor, just no way to level up with it, it will be more like if you put on a helm, cape, boots, etc, also spellcasters will be forbidden the Body Building Skill, so they will still be an essential part of your party but you will definitely need a Knight, Archer, Barbarian Class in your party save your skin till your spell casters get promoted and level up enough to cast protection/stat boost spells.

This now makes might classes much more useful, armor will be divided into 3 classes, leather will become light armor, mostly worn by Archers, Chain will become Medium Armor mostly worn by Knights, and finally Plate, reserved for the Big Boys - Barbarian Class. Shield will remain the same. Check out the screen shot below and you will see how powerful the Barbarian Class can become, especially with a Mage or Cleric in your party casting Hour of Power and Day of the Gods. ... qn&thumb=4[

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